Leaving the batteries connected is ok…on a new boat there should not be any non ignition protected items and I sure hope these new boats come with...
Yes, I agree 100%. Except for the rural areas it s all Very fake but at least our freedoms are intact. Problem over the last 5-10 years is that...
there is a reason why Florida is often called the Free State of Florida. :) Capped sales tax (max $18k tax regardless of boat value), no...
Gardner engines are even too old for apple spailsheik to accept … :)
You have plenty of options for dead simple diesels starting with Cummins factory remans. That s one of the reasons I went with 6CTAs. Simplicity.
The effect any modification or repower has on Market value has to be taken into account in any project. Not doing so would be irresponsible....
This reads like something written by a teenager who just got drunk for the first time. Bad boy, baby, this thing, imma, peace out??? or maybe...
First race was all about staying on the foils in light conditions. The kiwis didn’t in the prestart, by the time they got back Britannia was...
Where there seem to be a big difference is in how the kiwi execute their maneuvers. They seem to accelerate out of a tack or jybe faster than...
Also adding a second 8D in the ERs would reduce access. Originally these boats had all the batteries in the generator compartment ahead of the...
I wouldn’t use that charger without the mains running, it wouldn’t make any sense. The idea would be to use it to charge the house bank while...
That DC charger would work, wasn’t aware of them. We use very little power out of the house bank as all the lights are LEDs otherwise it’s just...
[ATTACH] My 53 has a dual voltage system, with 12 volt C series Cummins and 24 volt house system. Reason being that Cummins was charging an extra...
Race 1 of AC 37 just started!
Joker with photoshop.
What happened is that the increasing shear tore the storm apart. Radar images hours before landfall showed the southern eye wall collapsing and...
Interesting video as it shows that the damage was all storm surge and not wind. Most roofs are intacts, even on homes which have clearly been hit...
I ah ent used by auric engine controls in years but they don’t use ATF or hydraulic fluid. I can’t remember for sure but I believe they use single...
Definitely stick to the straight 6 with a small boat. Bigger engines will have a much easier life. Price difference between engine options comes...
Down here in miami I removed my Bimini even though forecast is just 30-35kts. problem with these storms is that you will get embedded squalls...