How about running the generator enough to keep up with the load demand on the battery?
Skip, oil cooler gaskets were done somewhere around 400 hours ( can't recall exactly). When I traded her in, the dealer was going to re-do them...
Sea Ray 58 Sedan Bridge. 51000 pounds dry with a cruising weight of just over 60,000 pounds. We were turning 30x33 4 blade pops. At WOT we were at...
My last boat had the same engines. We always saw more smoke (and resulting transom soot) when we ran higher loads. Our normal was 80% load as...
While our L650 Fly was being built (we have hull #9), they were also building, I believe hull #10, which had a much larger hard top extending Fore...
Having just moved up the Sea Ray line from a 58 Sedan Bridge to the L650 Fly, I can tell you that the 650 is a real sea boat with an "A" ocean...
In the master we opted for dressers on both sides. The options for sofa or dinette are interesting, but we just don't hang out in the stateroom...
Concierge service from Sea Ray and CAT are both awesome. By the way, both come included with the boat, no up charge. I like the dinghy on the...
I'm thoroughly enjoying this thread as I sit at anchor on L650 Fly hull #9. We took delivery less than a month ago, but have been living with...
Sail or power? Marina or anchored out? Inland or East/west coast?
I think you are doing a great job and I really enjoy the content on this site. The conflicts here are no worse than other, similar message...
On the retail side, try boatzincs dot com.
Sea Ray is reopening the plant they call Sykes Creek. This is on Merritt Island and next door to the ir old "Merritt Island " plant that was sold...
Look for an AIS target nearby. Call her on the VHF. Ask if she can "see" you on AIS. Also, the unit should give you an error message if it not...
See if this makes sense: A lot of my boating is done on Long Island Sound. I can go almost anywhere on the Sound in my 58 foot boat in less than...
Maybe listings for Vikings that went through a re-fit and/or customization at Rybovich?
Capt. Chris Nebel in Guilford, CT is in range and highly recommended.
My 900 CRM's have had similar issues. Both got new bell housing seals under warranty in 2007, both had failures of the oil cooler seals at about...
A previous boat I owned had automatic trim tab retractors which were wired to one of the ignition switches. This brought the tabs to the...
Follow your dream! But with that said, my opinion is that $120,000 gross income does not support a 55' boat in a way that I consider sustainable....