I just had oil and filter change on my C-18s, plus generator and all pencil zincs. Charge was $4,400 including a couple of hours of travel. Work...
In my experience, (8 years with MAN 900 CRMs) Rydlym can help keep the raw water side clean, and may allow you to increase the service intervals,...
Hard for me to tell what was going on there. The port wiper is definitely off kilter! We were in 6-8 foot head seas on Friday 7/22/16 and slowed...
Divisions are useful when posting and searching for specific topics. Day to day I just scan all the latest posts from all categories.
Wave period must be taken into account. A 4' height with an 8 second period is very different from a 4' wave with a 3-4 second period. Also keep...
Most modern boats of that size in the US would have one 50 amp/240 volt power connection. ( I'll probably get pushback on the voltage nomenclature...
Your boat seems To have a dry weight of 44,000 pounds. With fuel and other gear, it weighs maybe 50,000 cruising weight. The gyro added +/- 4% to...
The question is if he is stealing fuel, doesn't understand math, or there is a problem onboard that he also doesn't understand? How is he...
Maybe he missed a decimal place. 1.8 sounds closer.
We opted for the Yacht Controller which gives us shifters and thrusters. They also offer a wireless joystick option. Of course wired options are...
Myc, Olderboater pretty much nailed it. We opted for the extra fuel capacity of 1150 gallons, so our range is a bit higher at all RPMs than...
Thanks for the great shot of my boat, which is visible in two of the images. We were not in the show, but docked at PHM just at the edge of the show.
Great idea, but we don't have much real estate up there. The entire center section of the top is a soft top that retracts. The actual hardtop...
Almost 10 months, 250 engine hours, 400 genset hours, +/- 3000 nm, and 130 nights aboard. We love her! We've had some new boat/new model...
Best to give it a dedicated antenna. Other than that, it's easy to program and should run trouble free.
Hijacking and old thread to ask a related question... i just got my first CBP decal and wondering where others place them. The official word is...
Salt is used to recharge the resin bed in an ion exchange water softener. It is not to be used in the way you describe.
Not a boat I woul buy, but I don't even see the point. What's the target market? For my taste: Not enough outdoor space, swim platform is too...
Boat is coming to US and never leaving under this owner. He knows what is involved, as stated in my original post - he knows the options and the...
Hi all, A friend is considering buying a 7 year old European made 60' boat and importing it to the U.S. He needs a reputable yard with...