The Padel Ct is high enough to handle a decent sized pool and the upper level could be turned into more cabins or add LNG Kettles and run the...
Very well said. I was going to post a similar statement but saw this so no need
What she sells for will depend upon what condition its in and how badly they want it. An auction can and does often result in a fever pitch that...
See if you can find a copy of The Danube: A River Guide. Its by Rod Hiekel who wrote a lot of cruising guides
That's an older low output 16v4000 which is normally a very reliable unit. How many hours had it done before the failure and was there any...
If your a CPA you might be better off to aim for a pursers job or a Project Assistant for a build that leads to one. Keeping track of things and...
I had a quick tour of the new one last week. It is very nicely done if you ask me.
The reports of a new cash injection are most likely as valid as the previous claims as to the delivery dates of the monstrosity they were building
I wonder if the OP ever made the journey he was thinking of?
The service history of the engines would be a good start.
There is more truth in your words above than those used in the original article.
You only joined up here a few days ago and all you seem to post is comparing gross tonnage and costs. If you use the search function you will see...
You can do them at Mahurangi College right there in NZ
None , Your commercial chiefs ticket is superior to any Y Ticket.
Your correct in that co-ordination or the lack of it can be the make or break of any project. Deciding what should be done and doing it is also...
The valve will be to isolate the gauge from pulses that may exist in the system. its these type of pulses that can cause the bourdon tube inside...
No, The tug is lifted over the yacht by the overhead gantry crane in the shed.
Its all part of the master plan.
Slightly off the subject but if your thinking of plugging your boat into shore power while there you should make some arrangements before you...
I am under the impression that you need some MTU software to extract anything more after plugging in a PC than extreme frustration