We have Tides dripless with multiple spare seals on the shafts. Previous boat had PSS seals and they were set up the same way.
Mine are supplied direct from each engine and just have a crossover. Never had a issue with this set up. That is how they stated it should be...
I wish we had more options. We are paying $5ft where I am in NJ and more of just a slime removal.
You can try American Modern Insurance Group, they claim all of US and Canada up to 64ft.
Adam my rate is at 1.2%. Options on carriers are getting smaller and smaller. It seems like every year the insurance company we are with decides...
Nexiq Pro Link or Nexiq Pro Link IQ with Detriot Diesel software will work. Make sure you get it with the correct DDEC version and adapter plug....
Can it be applied over a good coating or does have to be applied first to bare wood?
All my bright work is in the cockpit, window trim and salon door. My past boat had teak toe rails and plenty more. Never again.
I'm also in the North East and have not personally seen any of those issues with Awlbright. We multi coat our bright every couple years.
I'm no expert but my experience is a definite, yes.
Its not varnish but I have our brightwork done with Awlgrip Awlbrite only.
That's not part of our system. Have you verified that the air handler is tied into the chiller loop. It may have been bypassed because of a leak.
I agree, I've seen it also. Although on other systems that used them.
Are you sure that it is not tripping when one of them restarting? They normally don't run full time. At least not here in New Jersey.
Make sure that they are not cycling on together. Mine cycle on in rotation so as to not create a overload condition. Start amps are at their max...
I'm for keeping the ice maker.
They should cycle from one to the other normally and both will operate together under high demand. That is how our setup works. I leave both on...
We use a company called Smartsense to monitor power and temperatures. They have cellular or wifi modules available.
When you google vessel documentation its on the top of the page. I guess they pay more then the government to be first. The official website...