Great boat. Lots of beam, hull V and heavy. <-- Our 58 is bombproof. Headroom and room to access most service points. Never understood the split...
Gaugesaver is rite up the road from me. I tired quickly of their attitude when trying to converse with them. I found a little shop in North Miami...
I'm convinced Garnett Byrd is the main problem.
Seems the new owners of Marqrap is working harder to kill the company than the previous owners.
Interesting comments from a local (NZ) critic. [MEDIA]
As much as you can get. Crew? Provisions? fuel? Adds even more. PLUS damages. A 115er should already have an expense history and charter plan....
Was it not a NZ Around-the-world, crew sail boat that ran on a reef a few years ago? Not just picking on the NZ folks, The US Navy totaled a ship...
I have a little understanding of the operation of DP ships in the oil industry. This ship was from the oil industry and built similar to a DP...
Here is where it gets near comical; They tried to stop the ship. The bridge crew thought they had placed the ship in reverse and applied full...
For 12 minutes crew and officers on the bridge could not reason to check the Auto Pilot and disable it. Lack of training? NV Navy has to employ...
No information was available on how many crew/officers were on the bridge. No information was available on where the captain was or when she...
SYDNEY, Nov 29 (Reuters) – A Royal New Zealand Navy vessel ran aground and sank off the coast of Samoa last month as a result of human error, a...
Your on it. The clicking sound is the pump trying to run but dead-heading into the capped out line. A little disposable in-line fuel filter rite...
That is in Jacksonville Florida. The owners famous feetball team is here also.
Have you contacted Saber or Black Cove for an original that you desire? They may point you to the vendor that actually made the mast. If it has...
Silicone (silicon dioxide) in your oil comes from 2 common sources. Leaching from gaskets, sealants and fittings like you mentioned, from the...
Yes. However, I do like the fuses. IMO, fuses are actually faster acting than the breakers. Even slow blow fuses. Spares and if needed new screw...
I would luv to see White Rabbit in some slop & rough seas. I wonder how she fairs vs a mono hull.