Sold #1 (of a few) reply got this great deal. Light #3 still available. ,rc
So, what was the outcome for FWC officer Stiltner? Anything?
YF members are from all over this world. Sharing news and videos helps keep us focused on an interested segment of what we want to learn more...
Formally the Florida Conversation Patrol and Marine Fisheries Commission , I learned to avoid the Florida Marine Patrol (FMP) in the Jax area when...
Looking forward to a new thread and LOTS of pictures of your ship and stories of these projects. :):)
Not mentioned was extra time/expense for diver cleaning service (if used) Or/ hauling/blocking/yard fees. I bring this up to compare cost of a...
That Guy confirms this tender was from the Loon. Also, Crew looking for new jobs?? Also, lil more on that boat fire. [MEDIA]
Video update from that guy; [MEDIA]
Is this even investigated in St Barths?
Have to clear my car port. Sweet deal can be made here. Make a real offer and shipping.
Have to clear my car port. Sweet deal can be made here. Any offer and shipping.
Have to clear my car port. Sweet deal can be made here.
Sawzall is our friend. You may want to re-consider rebuilding it in place.
Whoa !! Whole forward cabin full of gas fumes. Probably every step of proper fueling; was ignored here.
Rebuilt or exchanged? Rebuilt by Buba at a local shop or a factory overhaul program (if still available)? I do recommend you look into the future...
With my experience with Strikers and Roamers, I'm glad I did not know of this ship also. My hands shake with pain every time I look at that #1...
With the better operator, a log can pass an ugly inlet like a lily, a poor operator may get tossed a good bit. I do question that sometimes these...
@ 165K, W C Fields would be correct again.
I'm sure not. Sadly, there are boats like this in jax. No COI, No money exchanges on the dock, All are friends, Local booze Cruise. This scared...