I still have a couple of burning questions. While many are focusing on the aft cockpit and the sliding doors that open at heel, the forward...
Are you suggesting that you require 180 HP per engine to reach 20 knots on your vessel? Or perhaps you need 360 HP from each side for an overall...
Yes, I don't understand the enormous penalty of 75 meters coupled with a full loss of momentum. As easy as it is to move the markers, why don't...
On one hand I can watch and enjoy this series. On the other hand I'd prefer to see a cup battle amongst large J Class yachts.
Correct. It's an AC to DC to AC conversion. It also boosts and isolates. The invasion likely came by sea... Those caps carry big loads....
Twin 1000's won't even do that at 1200 RPM. Now, shut down one engine....
Odd. Test data Ive seen suggest the near 1:1 ratio is at hull speed, not at 20 knots. At 20 knots the report shows around .4:1. The new GB85 is...
Your vessel doesn't perform like this?
At the end of the day you can find summary videos on u tube.
Apparently the large sloop in the other storm video was Encore, a 144’.
my thinking is water pressure from the cap stuffing. That area is fairly close to the rails.
That's in harmony with my suspicion of that forward recessed living area. Water tight door opened by crew exiting. Glass surround shattering....
Yes, Island hopping, but not requiring fuel at every other island to keep going. And when hopping, likely you're not sprinting to the next stop....
Can't say that I disagree with Giovanni's basic perspective here. Watching Cup trials in Barcelona showed really nasty weather in the region.
That's a good summary. I'd add that "no one" is honestly promoting a long range vessel based upon 20 knot performance. Long range discussions...
This is the front recessed area under the tent.
The area in the photo where the mast meets the deck is a "temporary" structure recessed into the deck, much like a pool. It's used as a living...
I have a route to get the hydraulics there, and I have a desire to shift the battery weight to the Lazz. Don't feel I need a stern thruster, but...
Watched a video today that discussed the forward recessed living area, essentially a hard sided (windows) tent as being a critical potential for...
I think Ive hijacked the thread...so, I'll add that I would never be concerned about making use of quality used systems, but replace any wear...