Based on the projected wind speed for Northern Palm Beach County, I would leave the isinglass up. If we were closer to the eye-wall, take it down.
It’s been years since I’ve shopped for a future-ex but websites like Match have keyword search functions to find folks who enjoy boating but they...
Email the pics to me Tyler. I'll process and upload them.
At the risk of ruffling feathers, I believe working on a vessel (in almost any position) should be mandatory for anyone working in a brokerage...
Shock absorbing seats on a hydrofoil assisted catamaran seems somewhat redundant until you see the projected top speed of 50+ knots.
Here’s a pic from earlier in this thread (circa 2014) showing it covered but doesn’t appear to be the same material…
This doesn’t look digitally erected. The scaffolding is real and was erected to protect the bones from the elements. Keep in mind Google Earth...
Your bio states your in sales. I don't know many salesmen that can afford to commission a new Sunreef. Your IP states you're in Cannes and by...
We all know forums are a great source of information. In our niche, we've built something uniquely special; a forum undiluted by the brainless...
TRUST COLLECTIVE KNOWLEDGE! In an era filled with fake news and paid reviews, we stand with other internet communities who have built reputable,...
Hi Jeff, There have been several discussions on this topic over the years. Here's a couple of threads to get you started......
Hi Chris, There is nothing in our coding to prevent image uploads from iPhones with the exception of file sizes. If you want to send them to me,...
Detailed remarks and observations from Stephen Edwards (the former captain of Bayesian) on the mast, ballast, stability and hull openings for...
Given the number of big boats built over the past 15 years, we’re bound to have an increased number of incidents.
To viewers: You can replace the astericks with Yacht World . com Outbound links to YW were disabled a couple of years ago due to irreconcilable...
Lump me in the old category cause I remember Betty Cook. Brought back a bunch of offshore memories when I saw the Kevlar Kaama come up for sale....
The price has been reduced on this loaded 37 XC Brabus. Compare the lengthy list of options and upgrades against other boats on the market. This...
This Axopar 37 XC Cross Cabin with the upgraded Brabus styling is fitted with Mercury Outboards and upgraded twin Mercury 300 Verados. Depending...