Problem is, the boat met the rules when it was built, and is grandfathered in. Most rule changes would make older boats way too costly to...
There are always drums and fuel bladders.
At least with the snake oil, you won't be changing zincs faster than normal!!!!
They don't work at all.
Call steve Schlapkol. He has a 1600 ton master but does deliveries on a lot of smaller yachts in between rotations 954-292-958one
We lost 2 old town 2 seat ocean kayaks between Norman’s cay and Staniel. One is blue and the other green. If anyone comes across them, let me...
It's pretty much the same thing. Liberty Landing is 1/8 mile across the Hudson river from NYC.
Reliable yes, takes about 10 minutes to inflate or deflate. You really want the engine running when you inflate them as it uses a lot of the...
Yes, Lauderdale Battery, they're also a Deka dealer.
65'/66' Sunseeker has 4 nice Cabins Plus crew cabin.
Yes, we would routinely put 6 people on a 345, would get on plane no problem and run flat. With 7 a few people would have to lean...
They have ONLY transited yachts with a short freighter through the canal for years now. East to West is at night, West to East is during the day....
Some sort of electric motors. Lord only knows what for.
I use Broward Fire. They're both expensive for what they do.
DON'T. Without the amount of hours you put on generators, I suspect that the mufflers are worn out and would put new ones. Most likely why...
If the 4th cabin isn't good enough for guests, why would it be good enough for crew???
62' Neptunus is a solid choice.
It depends. Pod boats are 30% more fuel efficient give/take. The most direct comparison was the 40' Cabo. With 600HP zues it was faster than...
The shutters are great when the power goes out, no light inside the house day or night if the power goes out, which it usually does before the eye...
Those engines burn about 80 GPH at 1900 rpms. At 1000 rpms they burn 12 gph for both, 1200 25 gph. You should really run them at high cruise for...