Certain markets are slow, the age group of your boat is definately slow, fairly new boats not as slow but the market is definitely soft. I heard...
Gross tonnage is also effected by areas that have doors or hatches to the exterior and all sorts of other tricks they use on commercial boats to...
I don't think I'd put much more on the bow. You could try another 200 gallons. I hate bladders on the bow as they are very hard to empty in any...
Nothing works on an old boat, except it's owner!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back in 2014, I switched out all 67, g4 halogens in a 62' Sunseeker to LED, in that time period we have had 1 bulb burn out, 1 !!!!!!!!!!! But,...
Try Striker Marine in Fort Lauderdale,FL.
I'd lean to the Hatteras or an early 2000's 50' Post. The 46' Post will scare ya in a following sea.
I don't remember, as I dealt with a 340 25hp Yamaha. Ask Highfield, it's the same pitch as the 3 blade they recommend.
The Highfield needs a 4 blade Mercury Spitfire prop and motor propped to achieve very top end of WOT scale for it to plane with 4 people in it...
Everything on your Hynautic system is 30+ years old and very very prone to failure at this point. You have 100's of feet of hydraulic hose that...
The filters are inside the system, nothing more than metal screens, you will not see them unless you start dissassembling things. They're not...
He'd work on them for me, but I send him a ton of business every year for the past 20 years. None of us have worked on Hynautics in 20 years,...
Nothing straight out of a can is going to match 1987 woodwork that has faded over the years from sunlight. Even if it was from the exact same can...
Sorry it's 954-895-487nine. The filter is usually a S/S mesh screen if I remember correctly.
Have you tried asking Nordhavn???
DON'T, bleach mixes with the ammonia in urine and creates mustard gas and also is very corrossive to aluminum tanks. Use some holding tank...
Wind has a lot of effect on seakeeping as well!
How long do you expect rubber hose to last? It's lifespan is 7-10 years. If it's origional change it, before you have a much bigger issue and...
Reall cool boat, my dad had a v-drive with only a 327ci when I was a kid that did mid 90's. Way too much drama and maintenance to keep that thing...
MANN also makes good filters, but for the little price difference I stick to dealer filters.