Prestiges are not bonded well to begin with and many items such as the A/C strainer, seacock and pump are not grounded. Also I'd highly check...
If I had to choose, I'd go with impact windows over shutters. With windows, there is NOTHING to do, so if you're out of town you're covered. I...
MPT USA is where I would go. There is no substitute for in the classroom. Same goes for STCW, it is just as important as a Captains license and...
It's going to depend on which dealer installed your engines and how they're outfitted. C-18's can have a few of their zincs located in different...
Slow speed maneuverability with jets is troublesome. Take a garden hose and try to clean your driveway without a hose nozzle and compare the...
You need to find a high school kid with long arms!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YES, there is a boat yard on the Miami River that makes/made tons of those decks for Bertram and for Bertram owners. They may have even made the...
replace the entire thru hull and seacock, it looks well past it's useful lifespan.
I'm not interested in the job, 11' isn't somewhat limiting, but it's completely limiting when it comes to the Bahamas. The only places you can...
GET out, or it's just going to go lower. The covid boom is over and sales are slowing to normal levels. Best to lose a little and get into...
THIS. Cabo used Fabrica origionally. You need to find a really good installer familiar with boats, locally.
12.9 is made by Fiat. I've run 1/2 a dozen boats with them. They're good running motors in lighter boats and are a good bit lighter than the...
Also keep in mind last night, wind was gusting to 30 knots and look at the time, 3am.
For good reason, they have THE worst program in the mega yacht industry. Crew NEVER gets a day off, owner calls within hours notice to use the...
LOLOLOL, There is a Miele on one yacht I run. It has a bin that has to be dumped, it is on the top of the front of the dryer, which is above my...
They used the traditional apartment style washer on bottom and dryer on top. I believe you have to remove the door frame to get it out.