Awww, shucks, ma'am. You're very kind, Judy, and I appreciate it. Being a submariner was the most enjoyable job I ever had, so I don't feel like...
You, too, huh? Again, the U.S. Navy's Seventh Fleet was operating beyond it's means, because civilian overseers were insisting that their wishes...
As a former U.S. Navy submariner, I encourage you to stop speaking about the U.S. Navy from a position of ignorance. It's offensive.
Are you are referring to the collisions involving the USS Fitzgerald and the USS John S. McCain that happened in 2017? I haven't heard of any...
What are you talking about?
According to the link that you provided, the valve clearance checking/setting is supposed to happen at 400, 800, 1600, 2400, 3200, and 4000 hours.
I wasn't referring to any generation. I was pointing out that I could legitimately replace your cliche of "use it or lose it" with my cliche of...
I was referring to your post #19 where you said, "I see a lot of people saying 'I can dock using gears, but thrusters are so convenient'." The...
Or is it another old saying: "It's like riding a bike."?:)
I assumed the rope cutter was recommended as an aid to preventing the prop from being fouled, because lestercressey said that he wanted a prop...
Because the rope cutter might cut the ropes that can't be seen or avoided.
Me, too.
It appears this thread is a PM between MARTIN A HART and captainwjm.:p
I assume Atlas is a Chris Craft Roamer, but why is her motoring down the Tennessee River significant? Where is she headed and why? Will there be...
I thought your message was worth repeating, but I'm pretty sure the talking heads have their blinders on and their self-righteousness at max.
Why did you change your member-name from "Ivan G" to "OceanDay?"
Always the diplomat,huh? :D
Mapism, English is my mother language, and your use of the word "debate" is appropriate. It appears that CaptPKilbride thinks of a debate as a...
Should that be "stroke" instead of "bore?"
Ah soooo. Thanks.