That is a real rarity. Meanwhile all the 650's were straight.
And then those things go together to create a cycle of chaos. Lousy work environment and bad reputation leads to only being able to hire subpar...
There is a reason people are installing on Whaler's and a reason Whaler is offering them on new builds. I don't know if you're talking a Realm or...
Documentations services/title agents often can serve as escrow agents if you're not comfortable with the broker.
Yes, this area is more Old School. The CG has stations for all the inlets and regularly provides updates and they have many boats stationed in the...
Latest report is CG handing them off to another tow and they'll head on up the coast toward Neah Bay, likely destined for Port Angeles.
Here is the boat in a different time. Review: Benetti's "Domani" - Benetti Yacht | YachtForums: We Know Big Boats!
None of us have any idea. Perhaps when they reach shore they'll tell the rest of the story.
It seems to be doing ok if they can ever get the door closed. 143' Benetti, 7 aboard, no one ill or injured. Flooding under control and CG vessel...
You're really missing step one and it's imperative due to your lack of experience. Engage a buyer's broker that you're comfortable with and trust....
I have to laugh as it reminded me of a time decades ago when I rented a truck in Atlanta and drove it home to Charlotte, approximately 250 miles....
Let's simplify this. There are two ways to do this. One is advertising. The other is charge for membership. Only one review operation I know,...
There is one old time surveyor who claimed to be objective and his reviews, in my opinion, are mostly garbage. So what is gained? You're not going...
There are no independent rankings of boats. You can only read between the lines of reviews to pick up any negatives. No publisher including YF...
I think of inlets a bit like I do roads. There's a paved road marked right in the middle. It's known to be safe and used by recreational and...
There's just no reason to cut short. What does it do for you? You save a few hundred feet? An ounce of fuel? Three minutes?
If the question is can you do the loop in such a boat, the answer is yes. If the question is does it make sense to do the loop in such a boat, I...
Easiest to stay at the marina and watch.
The longest boat I know of to do the Erie was an old Pacific Mariner 85. The air draft was less than the redesigned boat. Lengths of locks and...
I'm going to post a bit of an update on this subject. There are three major players in this field that I am aware of. Yacht Group sells Yacht...