Excellent points. In our kitchen, we have huge AC vents over the range area, blowing directly on any cook. But with induction, the normal room air...
V Drive.
Your situation shows how critical the installer and the install are.
Well, once again you insult and claim what I've obviously not done. Your style. Now for the facts. We do have a commercial kitchen and a...
Gas over electric, old wife's tale. The pros were at one time significant as the gas would get hotter. Today with modern equipment and with...
And the Regulator is very similar in that regard to the Boston Whaler being discussed. Again, we have a 39' Contender, used mainly for day boating...
I have a feeling his Lehman was not a rebuilt engine but a shade tree mechanic's version of rebuilding.
Where is it documented now? That's where liens should appear. I'd get a good title and documentation company to search and then insure your title.
I love it when they say, "You can bring it back anytime. It's just a couple of hours work." I responded calmly and said, "Then we'll go on to...
As I detailed to you elsewhere, if you want to minimize your loss, you have no choice but to fix things, whether repair or replace. You'll be...
https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article261456212.html One person in the plane died. He was an air traffic controller...
The metrics are far different in the Bahamas. We have at times looked at islands for sale there. With the cost of diesel delivery to them, solar...
It's interesting to think of this. I've always spoken of the traditional way. Contract, surveys, sea trials but I've never sold and bought many...
One other major reason. Others don't want to do it. Would you really want to contract to build for the Navy with their history of design issues,...
Even the small ones take 36 minutes to stabilization and 50 minutes to full RPM.
Do you realize you're insulting his intelligence? I think he read, he evaluated, and he's decided his personal preference. I feel he's fully...
That's where I felt they would head but last I knew they were stopped outside Neah Bay so didn't know. Platypus would be the likely yard they'd go...
I never saw a tender, but there were two life rafts they launched. Will be interesting to find out more of what happened and current condition....
Neah Bay?
Lake Loudoun formed by the Fort Loudoun Dam is the last navigable body of water on the Tennessee. Now both the French Broad and the Holston have...