... blame it on my browser's spelling checker function! :o
Thanks! Have always been around... just not much to say lately! As the elders say: "Better keep silent and look stupid rather then open your...
Those photos where probably taken last month in Antibes on the "Quai des Milliardaires" (translates from french into: Dock of the Billionaires)...
I've heard also that French motorboat builder Couach Yachts is filling for "placé sous la protection du Tribunal de Commerce" (protection by the...
We saw what happend to the boat... but what about the unfortuante whale? Anybody knows what happened to it? As for the delamination, certainly...
Hi Carl! Thank you, its nice to be back into the discussions! Well, might be for selling too, you are right there, but it could end up being a...
If this is the case, how would you explain then that Hatteras is currently offering a 10-year hull warranty on its current production?
Its Feadship's "Meduse" . Recognizable also by the large satdom on top of its radar mast. Confirmation also from yacht spotter's website where it...
Perini Navi's Legacy drops keel More problems for Legacy's recovery : http://www.ibinews.com/ibinews/newsdesk/20090008145337ibinews.html
Both boats are wonderful and top of the line, but Cabo comes with a 10 years hull warrenty while Viking comes with only 1 year. This alone says a...
Al Salamah (ex Mipos) ???
At anchor off Monaco 2 weeks ago... your turn!
Name of yacht?
PJ115 "Mostro"
May I delight you with 2 "sneak-peak" photos of the new 56MY's first river run...? Enjoy...!
Yes, at anchor in Dubai Palms Marina on March 2008...
2006-built Royal Denship 209ft "Turmoil"
Don't forget that between the recently ended MYS 2007 and the upcoming FLIBS 2007, there is another major boat show starting in Italy on October...
Sad ... sad ... sad ... :( The boat looks like an old model Hatteras 65 Convertible with an extended add-on cockpit.