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Review: Oceanfast Yachts - "Sycara III"

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Reviews' started by YachtForums, Oct 23, 2004.

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  1. Designed by the legendary Jon Bannenberg and built by Oceanfast Yachts, Sycara III reflects the late yacht designer’s signature in numerous ways. Whether you’re a yacht enthusiast or a naval architect, Bannenberg’s work is easily recognized by autograph-like design characteristics. Sycara III is one of the last Bannenberg blueprints to roll off the drawing table and into a shipyard. It is one of hundreds of yachts designed by Bannenburg and the third yacht to be designed for the owner of Sycara III, who’s previous yachts included Mercedes I & II, also built by Oceanfast.


    Through the years, Bannenberg’s avant-garde designs have featured radically different angles blended with ultra-modern lines. In contrast to conservative, traditional-looking profiles of years past, Bannenberg’s visions helped pave the way for bold new concepts that are reflected in the yachts we enjoy today. Sycara III exemplifies many unique and successful design attributes that are hallmarks of Bannenberg’s penmanship and the engineering expertise of Oceanfast. Join us for a review of yacht that embodies the spirit of both... [Read More]​
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