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Review: MCC 147' "Marco Polo" Expedition Yacht

Discussion in 'MCC Yacht' started by YachtForums, Dec 11, 2007.

  1. A fourth guest cabin offers twin berths – convertible with a bridge to a queen size – plus hanging lockers, a small table, and ensuite head. This guest room is quite large and comfortable for 4th down the line.
  2. Nicely arranged and decorated crew quarters, in the bow, include four cabins for eight crew, with ensuite heads/showers. Also included is a well-done crew comfort space, shown here, decorated in accordance with the balance of the yacht.
  3. The Engineer’s Station hides in air-conditioned comfort behind the window shown in the background of this view. Here, power and responsibility over all the mechanical aspects of the yacht’s performance are controlled. A centrally located, overhead camera gazes over systems that are removed from the naked eye.
  4. One controversial factor that has arisen in Marco Polo’s reviews is that she boasts only one engine. While single engines are specified nearly 100% in commercial and naval ships, most yachts – and therefore yachtsmen – have opted, even insisted, on twin engines, for whatever reasons. Perhaps the safety factor, or the inability to believe an engine such as Marco Polo’s enormous Caterpillar 3512B is reliable. Most won’t realize the safety factor, as well as savings in fuel costs, maintenance, and speed – due to lower weights and operational efficiency – are well in balance with a single powerful propulsion system as standard on this yacht.
  5. Hallowed Star of this show on propulsion, is this enormous CAT, which actually does dominate the oversize engine room.
  6. But, if single engine fear influences a buying decision, it must be pointed out that this yacht also has a back-up propulsion system. Its Schottel single-screw pump-jet – the bow thruster – will propel the ship at 6 knots for as long as necessary. End anxiety. (Oh, if you must insist, there is room for two engines).
  7. “Going Green” is more and more the buzz-word in these tricky times. But any yacht fancier will see that going olive-green – with this elegant and powerful expedition yacht – is the genuine ticket to adventure, even past the Med.

    Avast! Ahoy! Around the Horn! Patagonia! Sri Lanka! Pitcairn!


    by Capt. Chuck Gnaegy​


    LOA: 147’0”
    Beam: 30’2”
    Draft: 9’2”
    Fuel: 16,100 gal.
    Water: 3,700 gal.
    Displacement: 420 long tons / 840,000 lbs.
    Power: 1x Caterpillar 3512B, 1,950 hp
    Speed: 13 knots cruise
    Max Speed: 14.5 knots
    Range: 3,300 nm @ 13 knots

    For more information contact:

    Maritime Concept & Construction
    Unit A, 6th Floor
    Two Chinachem Plaza
    68 Connaught Road Central
    Hong Kong
    +33 (-493) -675004
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