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Review: Calixas 105' Expedition Yacht

Discussion in 'Calixas Yachts' started by YachtForum, Apr 23, 2007.

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  1. Turning to the interior - each interior piece is engraved and coded. This is the back side of a ceiling panel...
  2. Fire extinguisher plumbing throughout the headliners of the vessel...
  3. With the ceiling panel replaced...
  4. Back-lit and mirrored, the steps leading to the lower accommodations have non-skid strips applied along the edges...
  5. A close-up of the helm shows cushioned counters if the going gets rough, as well as redundant communications systems.
  6. The skylounge wetbar has a built-in wine cooler. Although it was empty, the coffee was hot...
  7. The Captains office is immediately abaft the helm.
  8. And finally, what is certain to be... the Calixas marquis. <end>
  9. Deck Plans; Skylounge/Bridge
  10. Deck Plans; Main
  11. Deck Plans; Lower
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