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Review: Burger 151' Fantail Cruiser "Sycara IV"

Discussion in 'Burger Yacht' started by YachtForums, Sep 24, 2009.

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  1. Due to Sycara's twin engine, solo rudder configuration, an articulated rudder was incorporated. This is a hinged-tab system that extends farther into the thrust line to provide increased deflection. Moving the massive tab is a Jastram steering system. And when the going gets tight, a pair of duo-prop Quantum thrusters, both fore and aft, swing Sycara on her axis. A 20" QT120 with 116 hp points her sprit a 12" QT30 fans the tail.
  2. Sycara was constructed from Alustar aluminum and subdivided into five water tight compartments. Keeping her full displacement hull from pitching and rolling, she is equipped with a Twin Fin Quantum Marine Model QC 1000 Zero Speed stabilizer system. And finally, a pair of 5-blade NiBrAl props shuttle Sycara along at 12 knots.
  3. A question was raised by a member of YachtForums regarding the placement of the sat domes because they appeared to be obstructed by the runabout and the davit. In answer, the domes are mounted on telescoping masts that can be raised up to 21" when needed. A close look at the top of the pedestal reveals a removable pin.
  4. What's this? It's a knob for rolling down the side windows on the bridge. When was the last time you saw roll-up windows on a boat? Also, notice the lapstrake walls and ceilings throughout the vessel. In the old days, this would be tongue and groove. Nowadays, it's plywood core with an HDF skin to accomplish the effect.
  5. Neil Rabinowitz didn't get a chance to shoot the bridge deck, but we wanted to show you the level of detail and finish on the bridge deck bar. This is one of the many detail pics we use for writing (read: jogging memories!). This picture was taken by YF's Admin during a trip to see Sycara prior to delivery. Disregard the worker in the background searching for Scotch.
  6. Resurrecting the Golden Age of Yachting... Sycara IV.

    Thank You Burger Boat Company!​

  7. Deck Plans; Top to Bottom...

    1. Side Profile
    2. Bridge Deck
    3. Main Deck
    4. Lower Deck
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