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New Model: Lazzara LMC 76

Discussion in 'Lazzara News & Launches' started by Yacht News, Mar 9, 2009.

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  1. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Lazzara Yachts offers a new model in the LMC 76

    This is the latest yacht model to be offered by Lazzara Yachts. The new yacht was unveiled at the Miami Yacht and Brokerage Show a few weeks ago. The small-sized yacht is restyled while giving the opportunity to enjoy the Lazzara brand of style and comfort. Stretching to 76-feet, she offers an alternative to the sports-styled model.

    The new LMC which stands for Lazzara Motor Cruiser, will be 18.5-feet wide and draw a shallow draught of only 4.5-feet. Engine wise, the LMC will carry 3 X Cummins 600 HP Zeus engines for an anticipated 28 knot top speed. The onboard fuel capacity is in the region of 4,921 LT and cruising is at 26 knots.

    The displacement of this new model is 105,000 LBS and there is capacity for the storage of 1,136 LT of fresh water for use onboard. 2 X 23 KW Onan GENSETS will provide onboard electrical power. On the accommodation side of things there will be 5 staterooms to satisfy.

    For more information:

    Lazzara Yachts,
    5250 West Tyson Avenue
    Tampa, FL 33611
    (813) 835-5300

