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Propeller options - Cabo 40 Convertible w/CAT C12's

Discussion in 'Cabo Yacht' started by Capt Maritime, Aug 28, 2022.

  1. CaboFly

    CaboFly Member

    Aug 24, 2018
    My 40 Cabo had Veem's with MAN R6 800's. Ran like a Mustang. 37 to 38 knots at 2350 rpm.
    I am also running Veem's on my 48.
  2. Butter Fish

    Butter Fish New Member

    Dec 7, 2019
    Long Island, NY

    I run very similar. 35kts on the pins(2317 and 2354) running light with a little less than 1/2 fuel. My load % is a few points higher but very close (98% and 96%). I approach 80% load around 1950-2000rpm(depending on how loaded I am of course, this is light) and I try to keep it in the 70’s. Feel like a lost a knot or two off my cruise speed like this though it’s odd. Otherwise she runs beautifully and I’m extremely hesitant to mess with the props again. When I was at 31” pitch had a faster cruise but the load% was higher and I didn’t dig that.
  3. Capt Maritime

    Capt Maritime Member

    Jun 16, 2022
    Virginia Beach, VA
    Yes those are the engine loads, and I would anticipate seeing higher numbers when the vessel is fully loaded. I believe during the above sea trials I had about 300 gallons of fuel, and (4) persons aboard. I had just launched so a perfectly clean bottom and running gear with new cutlass bearings and new PSS shaft seals.
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