My 40 Cabo had Veem's with MAN R6 800's. Ran like a Mustang. 37 to 38 knots at 2350 rpm. I am also running Veem's on my 48.
I run very similar. 35kts on the pins(2317 and 2354) running light with a little less than 1/2 fuel. My load % is a few points higher but very close (98% and 96%). I approach 80% load around 1950-2000rpm(depending on how loaded I am of course, this is light) and I try to keep it in the 70’s. Feel like a lost a knot or two off my cruise speed like this though it’s odd. Otherwise she runs beautifully and I’m extremely hesitant to mess with the props again. When I was at 31” pitch had a faster cruise but the load% was higher and I didn’t dig that.
Yes those are the engine loads, and I would anticipate seeing higher numbers when the vessel is fully loaded. I believe during the above sea trials I had about 300 gallons of fuel, and (4) persons aboard. I had just launched so a perfectly clean bottom and running gear with new cutlass bearings and new PSS shaft seals.