If you have Turbo boost gauges, I would appreciate seeing the boost pressure along with RPM data as you make your prop speed chart. Thanks
450hp 671s? You really don’t want to have these overpropped I’d avoid running over 1800 until this is resolved
You guys are getting up to early or I'm sleeping much later. Must be your clocks... @ 450hp, Then 6-71TIBs.
I know you want to wait, or your yard does until winter haulout, but honestly me personally, I'd want to test the re-pitched wheels before next season and not wait until next season and realize that they're still off and have to deal with it at the beginning of the season and lose time.
Yes I would too but there's no Time. I have to be in another part of the world on the 20th, There's no way for me to stop somewhere and get this done AND get the boat to it's storage facility. So in the spring I will fly in to the storage facility, launch , do some test runs and fly back home. Unfortunately it is what it is. If the yard dealing with this decided to screw me it's on them, I'm not losing sleep over it.
Update on the situation. I'm where I need to be for haulout. Ran here over the last week or so. A nice relaxing pace of 8knts @800 RPM. No stress on the equipment. The yard has agreed that the wheels will be removed and shipped back to ACME. I have the boxes and arrange this with the storage facility. They had to come off anyway as the Port intermediary strut that was temporarily repaired has to be replaced. I'll make it a point to get in contact with ACME to ensure things are calculated correctly. Does anyone have a contact person for them? It didn't take much to get the yard to agree to send them back, I think he knows he screwed up by not getting ACME involved in the conversion, my gut feel is he just took an inch off the pitch and said that'll be fine. So thanks for the information provided. I'll update this thread again once launched in the spring.
Hey MBevins, Good morning. I'm currently doing the same thing with my boat. I have the same props, 24 x 26 three blade dyna jets . Looking to go to 4 blade like yourself. What was your outcome ?
The factory adjusted the wheels, no issues. I'm not sure I'd bother for what you're going to gain. Also you have one new engine and one half dead. That will effect your proo tuning I'm sure. I did this swap because I couldn't get a replacement Mich Wheel. I gained maybe a knot, a lot of bucks for a knot on our boats. On another note, where the hell have you been hiding?
I wax and wane on the social/boating internet stuff. I've been quite busy, not in the mood to spend time on the interwebs. Had and having a good boating year. Lots of hour on both boats. Quite ironic , the day you replied to my post, I was pulling up to my new winter boat yard and your boat was on the bocks right in from of me..lol. Looked like a mid 1980s 44'. So I snooped around looking at it's four blade props but was unable to see any markings there was to must growth on them. Was curious to see their set up. So I'm hoping to achieve smother top end performance. I have two sets of three blade D-jets all used, and they have always created top end vibration, 1700 rpms and up. I know one of my sets are almost junk and my other set are ok. Have you noticed a smoother top end performance with your 4 blade props? From what I've read, that's supposed be the case.
So you're wintering in Alexandria Bay? And yes you should get a smoother too end if they're dialed in right. I'm still messing with a bit of vibration over a 50rpm area in the 1900 and 900 rpm range.
Well just don't run at those RPMs. There I fixed it. Thanks for the info. I'm leaning towards the Mich. D-quads. Looks to be a robust prop, and Michigan is the prop I'm comfortable with. I mostly run 10 knots, fast for me is 18 knots. Darn fuel is expensive, so 10 knots the norm.