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Assistance in Ft Lauderdale

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by RossC, Aug 13, 2023.

  1. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    I would not run 800 miles on two props installed under water by a diver in a town I’m passing through. I would haul the boat somewhere even if I had to run another day or two to get to a yard that can take me. Or I would continue onward at slow speed as is. Only you can determine what’s best. Run or haul. But don’t change the props in the water.
  2. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    I just want to make sure this tight cutlass bearing isn’t related to something more serious. If there is a misalignment due to a strut, will I see a wobble in the shaft. I can idle at the dock and look at the shaft in the engine room.

    I know a bent strut is unlikely considering no visible damage to the prop, but I want to know what it’s tighter than the port. Wish I had spun the props when it was out for survey. May have been that way already. I just don’t want to take out a transmission is there is a problem.
  3. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    I’m fine with running home with the props as is. The vibration is very small.
  4. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    $1600 for small props? Expensive…

    that stbd cutlass bearing is likely to have been tight for a while. Again, if you had hit with the starboard prop, you would have seen damage on the prop, or felt it with your hands even.

    just head home at hull speed, run port around 700/800 and stbd 1100-1200 to compensate.

    I wouldn’t mess with alignment right before a long trip especially someone you don’t know and doesn’t care since you re on you

    and I m not a big fan of replacing wheels in the water especially if I don’t know the diver. Props need to be lapped on the shaft, the key has to be perfectly in place otherwise you ll damage the shaft.
  5. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    Makes sense. I think we’ll just keep rolling. Maybe call the yard in Canaveral and see what they say about getting a haul and if they have a prop shop on premises. Seems like servivce people think boat owners here crap money.
  6. CaptTom

    CaptTom Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2006
    Palm Beach to Ft Lauderdale
    Ross, you know your boat had a slight vibration when we were running down the New River (pre grounding). So maybe it's not a problem. I like the Canaveral option for hopefully a short haul and inspection. If you don't do something down here, every sound and vibration will spook you all the way home. I would offer to join you and get you home but I don't have ten days free right now. If you're in a jam and get significantly delayed, I free up next week through the holiday weekend.
  7. StillLearning

    StillLearning Member

    May 26, 2017
    Ross, I have no specific advice for you. Every situation is different, and there are plenty of people who are here that know a lot more than I do.

    I can offer what I would do. For peace of mind I would find a yard (maybe that is Canaveral) which would do a short haul and assist with diagnoses. It would narrow the issue then I could make a keep going or fixit decision. When something feels wrong to me - like a vibration that should not be there - I think about it all day. Is it getting worse? The same? Am I causing damage to keep running it?

    Once again I am not disagreeing with any of the more knowledgeable captains on here, just sharing what I would do.

    If I was guessing, I think it is probably alright just to keep running it. But it would nag at me and make the days much longer and stressful.

    I know what you mean about cost of repairs for a transient. We were on our way to Chesapeake couple of years ago. AC compressor (split system) which was for the salon level crapped out going across Lake O. It was June and hot. Got to Canaveral, found an AC guy which would come out and look at it. His diagnoses was compressor shot, 10-12K to replace. Almost did, then decided to push on. Had AC for the downstairs staterooms, just nothing on the salon level.

    Went on to Kent Island MD. Friend got his AC guy to come out, $1500 fixed it. Did not need to replace the compressor. My example is pretty contained in that I was totally comfortable that if I did not fix it and kept going I was not going to damage anything else -- just sweat a lot.

    I shudder about repairs as a transient on a long cruise. Good luck. You will make the decision that is best for you.
  8. MBevins

    MBevins Senior Member

    May 23, 2008
    Windsor On. Canada
    Keep working your way home, look for good yards 2 days ahead to see if they can accommodate, if you get within spitting distance of home just continue and deal with it at home.
  9. f3504x4ps

    f3504x4ps Member

    Apr 23, 2012
    Cape Canaveral, FL

    Canaveral Propellers
    Phone number
    (321) 784-2890

    They are just down the street for Marina. In case you stop and get a hall out.
  10. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Stop at our lagoon next to Marina del Palma if you want a break from running.
    We have a small bay with no restriction on anchoring, that I know of anyways.
    We also have docks, but not ready for transient boats yet. (50~60 empty docks)
    Stop by and anchor for a night or two and take the dink to shore, happy to help with a ride to a nearby Publix super market, also a Mexican Restaurant next to Publix with excellent 'Ritas..
    No haul-out facilities around here, but instead we have a lazy lagoon with no anchored boats except you:
    Nearest fuel dock is 40 mins running to the North and a slight detour to the West, like 0.5 NM from the ICW, Palm Coast Marina.

    Our anchorage is almost midway between Daytona Beach and St. Augustine.

    Last edited: Aug 21, 2023
  11. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    From the Active Capt's App:

  12. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    About 2 days run from where we are now in Ft Pierce. I’ll plan an overnight in the lagoon. No dink on board, but we don’t really need to get off the boat.

    We have a friend here who captains a 58 Leopard based in Ft Pierce. He is helping us out. Getting a haul out is not easy on short notice, but I am going to get the props done. We found a diver. $500 round trip on both props and Stuart Prop said $550 each. Props should be at the shop this afternoon.

    My friend had an AC guy on the Leopard doing some work so he looked at my bridge AC. He said it was working as it should. It is a 16K unit which is the largest I can use on 30A. Not expensive to convert to 50A vs 30A x 2. First thing he suggested is a U opening in the front isinglass to get some air flow. Canvas guy is coming tonight so hopefully we can get that done.

    So thats the plan right now. There are worse places to hang out than this marina in Ft Pierce. They have all of the amenities.
    f3504x4ps likes this.
  13. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    What is your draft?
    I will check my sonar next time going out, but have seen several 35'-40' sailboats
    anchored here, it is probably 5'-6' minimum, shallow entrance to the North, stay South of the center.
    I can give you a ride to shore if needed, will take the boat out Friday and/or Saturday. If the weather is good there should be boats going in and out from our docks and you can ask anybody for a ride to shore as needed, small harbor, only 80-100' to the dock. (Don't tell anybody I said you can anchor there, I am guessing it is okay, but don't know for sure)
    Big boat house on the North side and a Boston Whaler factory on the South side, they do the occasional sea-trial with big CCs.
    Will give you my phone # in a Private Message, send SMS anytime, unknown calls goes to voice mail.
    Which marina are you at?
    I have a buddy in Fort Pierce who runs a 65' Head Boat, he be may at the same marina and can fix you up with most marine services.
    Bon Voyage and Happy Prop Repair.
    Another Road likes this.
  14. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    We are at Harbortown. Draft is a little less than 4’, but we call it 4’. Stuart Prop has the props and say a day or two. Dive said he’s seen worse as as far as cutlass bearings and owners were not worried about it. He said an alignment check might be a good idea but not to worry if I couldn’t get it done. Had a canvas shop to install U opening in the front panel but canceled due to schedule. Called another one and will check with the one in the yard here. Short notice is tough though. Hopefully be back on the road by Friday.
  15. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Lots of No-Wake zones from there to here.
    I did the same trip July last year, Fort Lauderdale to Palm Coast, 4 days
    We left Fort Pierce early and ended up anchoring close to Daytona on the ICW.
    Free dockage at "Caribbean Jacks" when you eat, along the South docks, perpendicular to the ICW.
    We had a late lunch there yesterday, on a Monday, no boats at the restaurant docks, should be wide open weekdays.
    From Daytona to Palm Coast is a long slow ride, forgot how many hours, don't be in a rush..
    PM with phone number coming.
  16. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    This is kind of where I’m at right now. I think I’m OK to keep going, but not 100% sure unless I know what’s causing the stiff cutlass bearing. Unfortunately, not a lot of options until I get home. Alignment has to be done in the water, so getting someone to check alignment is probably about the best I’m going to do here.
  17. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    So my buddy’s mechanic stopped by do discuss the cutlass bearing issue. He said…we can separate the coupler and check alignment , but if it’s out due to a tweaked shaft there is no going back. Boat will have to be hauled and shaft pulled. A bent shaft will show as vibration. The more it bent the worse the vibration. He said the worse that would happen ‘by running it is a worn cutlass bearing. No transmission damage or further shaft damage. So when the props come back we will be on our way. Can’t say this won’t be on my mind, but not as worried as I was.
    chesapeake46 likes this.
  18. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    So we are headed north on Saturday and considering running outside to Canaveral. Not sure how much benefit outside will be considering I’ll still be running 10ish kts. How bad are the no wake zones between Ft Pierce and Canaveral on the ICW? What app do you all use for work s and seas forecasts?
  19. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Going outside you will be faster but covered in salt, also more rock and roll.
    With ENE winds it should be better on the ICE even with the No Wake zones.
    I would go inside..
  20. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    Windy app forecasts 3-5 so I think you’re right. Gonna see if we can make Cocoa.