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Panama Canal Question

Discussion in 'Yacht Captains' started by Freebird, Oct 25, 2021.

  1. Freebird

    Freebird Member

    Apr 1, 2008
    Tenna Sea
    I’ve decided to pass on this one. It could be a great trip or a disaster. There will be other, less rushed opportunities to experience the canal.

    I’m 64 and sort of retired, at least from a Social Security/pension standpoint, and I’m seriously considering purchasing a boat in the PNW and knocking cruising up to Alaska off my bucket list. I’ve done an inside passage cruise ship deal and kept thinking about how much more fun it would be on a private yacht.

    Once that’s out of my system, I’ll make it back to the Tenna Sea via the canal, Grand Cayman, Jamaica, BVI’s, TCI’s and back across the islands. Making a long trip with no time constraints would be something new for sure. I’ve done all The Great Loop except the sections between the Statue of Liberty and Lake Huron, so that would give me that too. If not for COVID, that would have happened year before last.

    I have enough friends who would be interested in making different legs of that trip, so expenses wouldn’t be an issue. I’d rather do that in a year or two vs finding myself on a sinking Broward, wondering why the “heck” I didn’t wait and do it my way.
  2. leeky

    leeky Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2011
    My only point was that your statement "Umbrella only extends to things covered by other policies and typically requires them being mentioned" is not true. You even give examples of things covered by umbrella insurance that are not covered by the other insurance. My post gave other more apropos examples.

    I'm not arguing that umbrella insurance doesn't provide excess liability insurance for things covered on other policies. I'm only arguing that your statement that umbrellas can ONLY extend to things covered by other policies is not true. Obviously, one would have to actually look at the umbrella policy to see what's covered.
  3. leeky

    leeky Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2011
    You could be right; I didn't look into that. I was just addressing olderboater's absolute statement that umbrella insurance only covers things that are covered in other insurance policies.
  4. leeky

    leeky Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2011
    I agree with the highlighted portion of your statement above. That was not my disagreement with olderboater. Umbrella insurance can, also, cover things that are not covered in liability policies. Olderboater and I provided examples of things not covered in some liability policies that are covered by umbrella insurance.
  5. Freebird

    Freebird Member

    Apr 1, 2008
    Tenna Sea
    Well, this trip may be back on again. We didn’t get into conversations about insurance, but when I told him I couldn’t make the trip, he told me the work that was being done wasn’t completed yet, and the departure date has been pushed back to mid-November.

    We did discuss the need to get some time on the boat before we headed offshore, and that too is in the works. He went over a long list of things he had done to it, including a $$$$$ electronics package, and he’s dropped some serious money into it in other areas as well.

    I’m looking at moving another boat out of FLL and may be able to lay eyes on this boat. That would go a long ways towards making a final decision.