First step, new refrigerator configuration, is done. Next is wood floor (bamboo), then new microwave/oven combination in the wall above the refrigerator and convert the old microwave location to more storage.
Brilliant. Is the plan for a micro/convection unit above the fridge? If so, will you still require the original oven below the cooktop? Depending on your crew size and preference, you may be able to get even more storage there if you can get away with the convection microwave. Being only two onboard we do fine with the Convection unit, but I don't have LPG on board, you may have?
Yes planning a micro/convection set into the wall above the fridge. The old cooktop/oven will go. A new radient cooktop will go into counter. The oven space will be opened up for storage and probably a place for the cat's food and water bowls so we stop tripping over them.
The hood was installed when we got the boat. I don't have a reference for it in my manuals box. I can look for a name or model next time I'm down on the boat.
My hood runs on the galley and stateroom 120V light circuit (as does the refrigerator when on 120V). Range/oven has it's own.
Got it. So most Harry Homeowner specials with the same size footprint will work. Any difficulty matching the stain/varnish with the new lumber? Did you follow the instructions in the owners manual or use something different? How about lumber selection? We’re planning to do a similar kitchen makeover as well as replace the forward bulkhead mirror with the same paneling. Hoping to have everything look OEM.
The new wood is mahogany panels and teak trim. We used a "Gunstock" color stain. It is a little more red than the original (even on the side walls which are original mahogony that was under the wall paper). Can't really match 30+ years of sun effects. It is pretty close in bright light, notice the red more in low light. Still need to decide how to put a light above the new counter space.
Galley floor done in Bamboo. I've done other wood flooring, this was the most challanging with NO 90 degree corners. Good to get the old and ugly carpet out. This is probably as far as will get this season, the next steps will have to wait for spring.
This looks great, I'm in the middle of a purchase of an early Ocean, but I'm new to Yachtforums and love just looking at what other people have done, no matter the make. I love the counter top and backsplash. Your fridge cabinet looks amazing, what make fridge is that? The original subzero in the boat we are looking at has been replaced with a dorm type fridge and I would like it to look as good as yours.
The refrigerator is an Isothem Cruise 200, I got it from Defender Industries online. It has both 12 VDC and 120 VAC power inputs. If both have power it selects the 120 VAC automatically, although I only turn on one supply breaker at a time for whichever power I want to use. It is nice to not need to run the GenSet for just the refrigerator underway.
Finished the two stateroom floors before putting up for the winter. Will do the head floor in the spring.