Very impressive. A worthwhile undertaking with the correct choice of boat and a knowledgeable strategy. Well done.
Real nice clean look, well done on the repower with impressive results. 30 knots cruise at 78% is "the dream" for the under 50' SF crowd
I am considering purchasing a 43 with the intensions of repowering one day. What is a realistic cruise with the standard 550 HP motors? I need some advice on the best motors to put in and approximate cost to do so. I would like to cruise at least 24 knots.
I repowered my 95 43 2 years ago and am very happy. Put a couple of Cummings QSM 11s in it. Had 6v92s 550s but they were tired. Maybe 15 knots cruise at 40 gph. Now 24, 26 knots @ 40 gph.
Just repowered my 95 43 with QSM 11s and very happy. Realistic cruise with the 6v92s is 15 knots @ 40gph. With the Cummings I cruise at 25, 26 knots @ 40 gph. What year is yours?
I currently have a 37 Bertram. I cruise at 23 knots with 3208 Cats. I would like a larger Bertram but do not want to give up the speed. What horse power are the Cummins QSM 11s?
The best advice would be to find one that have been repowered already. If you want to do it first hand on a 43’ I would seriously consider a pair of Scania inline six rated at whatever power you want depending on your performance goals. Plan to eliminate the factory trim tabs and install a Zipwake system. Change your rudders also to larger high performance. Put a pair of gensets. Were the water tanks are after fabrication of vertical watertanks and modifying the bulkheads. Also add a third diesel tank were the factory genset is for weight distribution. Remember that you will want to fair up the engine room and finish it in awlgrip. When you are in for everything you will be expending above 200k if you do it correctly. Ask me how I know.
Good morning. Thanks for your advice. Sounds like you have a great boat. Let me know when you are ready to sell! You do not think you could just replace the Detroits with QSMs? Leave everything else as is?
Good looking Bertram you have there! Especially the tower, is it custom? First time hearing a Bertram installed a Zipwake system, will look into it. Im looking into repowering my Bertram 42, and yes seems like putting the genset towards aft of the engine is a must and one 12kW is too big to be placed there and a pair of smaller ones would work better.
Wow!, this boat is for sale She’s a hot rod!!! Look at this awesome Bertram 43 Convertible I found on YachtWorld! https://www.**************/boats/1989/bertram-43-convertible-3712957/ What do you all think?
For that kind of money I can think of several 10 year old or newer and larger SF I’d rather have with newer everything.
I had looked at repowering a 46 post with DD last spring. Cummins factory reman qsb or Cs don't remember.. including gears. Estimate was about 115 120k. Then you have the generator, painting engine room, other things that are easy to get to at the same time and the price goes up................and no you don't get that money back when you go to sell it...its not a house.. make sure you love the boat and plan to hold onto it for 10 yrs otherwise its a huge financial loss. I passed on that project and found one that had been repowered, painted, new gen and ac etc..... for a great price and way less than the cost of what the previous owner dumped into it.