I just had Scott Crosby, youtube Bus Grease Monkey, get my engines running. He taught me a lot about the engines. One had a broken in the open position injector. Once that was replaced you would have enjoyed a true, deep black, cloud of smoke on the water. Once the engines warmed up there was no smoke and they sounded great.
Boomer Been following your adventure with your 83 46SS. I have an 83 46SS as well. Purchased in 1998 i have put roughly 13,000 + hours. I believe i have seen you at Three Rooker Island. Our boat name is Hawk. 671 J&T 450 hp Props are 25" X 25.75 - heavy cup ,3 blade Michigan wheels 1 3/4 shaft. The boat is propped to 2550 photo tached. J&T make a boost cooler for these engines, helps in florida. She planes at 1300 rpms at 14knts 1650 - 16.5 knots 2250 - 24.5 knots 1850 - 20 knots 2350 - 26 knots 1950- 21.5 knots 2450 - 28 knots WOT 31 knots all with a clean bottom. For reference Tarpon Springs to Key West 270 miles at 22 knots 12.5 hrs we use any where from 360 - 390 gallons . Not guessing on the fuel we make that trip every year sometimes twice a year. hope that helps. Cheers Capt. Joe Hawk
A Thank you for the info..i have 4 bladed wheels I need to dial in...24x20 right now. 1950 rpm gives me 14 kts....definitely need to add some more pitch at next years haulout...thinking 2inches with heavy cup to start.. We head your way couple times a year...usually to turtle cove...we have several trips to Clearwater and Tampa scheduled for jazz fest and Jimmy buffet concert in tampa... pre game on the backdeck... lol...our girl is named Big Easy
We spent a lot of $ over the years trying 4 blade props, just didn't work for us. Capitol Gears as well 1-1.5 ratio. Contacted J&T back in 2000 about props for our boat and what worked best in their tests turned out to be 3 blades. As far as what we saw with 4 blades we ended up 24 X 24 just clicking off 2500 rpms right after rebuild( Fresh Engines). Lost cruise speed and fuel economy as well.
Hmmm...new wheels are very expensive so will probably stay with the 4 blades...24x24 sounds good at 2500...I retuned my engines to approx 4q0 hp each this starting with 24x22 or 24x23...my cruise sucks and top end is only 19 kts so ihave work to do
Boomer this is the only guy to work on my boat. He was with J&T and may have installed the engines in your boat.
Just an FYI my hull is #33. I just delivered #86 to Charleston 1983 as well. it had 6v92s at 550hp turning 4 blade props. the strut angle was much different than the 671 boat. Surprised to see that. it would not plane off until about 15 knots
For info: My 1983 46 Sunliner has three blade 23.5. 671tvi, 450 hp. Hopefully I will get her out in a month or two. I am still trying to find the correct port throttle cable for her.
What did it say on your J & T start up test reports that you just got? I would go with that size.. Probably three blade ,btw. You can find good used or new old props by looking around on the internet and calling up some local prop shops to see what they have. No need to go new. Unless you really want to. cpthawk..The Hawk is Out! Is giving you some super valuable info., IMO. Ocean spent a lot of time test running their various models up and down the Mullica River here in NJ. They tried all kinds of prop combos for best results, why mess around. Get back to factory specs. If they used three blade, get three blade props.