I had it on one boat for a short period of time. It seemed pretty effective. My preference on ablative is Seahawk cu-kote.
I was thinking more towards the SA series is what the surveyor was leaning towards for the redundant strainer. What are your thoughts?
Haven't measured it jet, but it looks like at least 6" diameter, so the SA series won't fit, and pay $6K each, sounds way out of perspective...
last summer I had just the factory ell grass strainers. Then found a rotten seacock that I had replaced. Next thing I know I have the guy from the marina talking me into these huge sea strainers! So now I have two huge fish tanks in the engine room in front of my motors witch all they have done is stopped me from getting to my battery for my gen set. an also from my starboard battery, water heater, and AC units. Really not to happy with this project that I was talked into. cause now I don't even have the ell grass strainers under there just two huge holes that go to two huge strainers. Will see how they work. I do at least want my ell grass strainers back on also. Could have used the 10,000 I spent on this project for something else on the boat. If its not in there now don't waste the money like I did to put them in.
All I had were the external strainers. Whatever paint was on the hull went on screens. I was out a lot and frequently under the boat but never really had any issues with growth.
Every boat I can remember in my family never had anything else but external strainers never had a clogging issue. They put those stupid fish tanks in and they clog all the time. Very tempted to go back to the way it was!
I've never had an issue with regular sea strainers. One advantage to them in addition to the plates is if you dock in shallow sandy water or run the boat on the Mississippi, the sand and silt will drop out in the sea strainer and not eat your raw water pump, in few instances is this necessary or an advantage.
I hired someone to put them in. My hat goes off to them as there was little to no room to work on those seacocks! Still not sure how a human body can fit back there to get to them.