I realize that you weren't asking for a picture my install, but in case it's helpful, here it is. Our experiences mirror that of MBevins in terms of how happy we are with the service. Total game-changer.
That's a really nice clean install. What can you tell me about the bracket ? How's it fastened to the deck?
Thanks. It's an aluminum tube with a round flange (1/4" thick) welded to the bottom. Four through bolts secure it to the top of my fiberglass radar arch. I 3D printed an adapter to fit inside the top of the tube and marry up with the SL pole end, then waterproofed that joint with tape. The cable is fed down through the tube and then inside the boat from there. Cutting off the large SL proprietary connector made running the cable down a lot easier, and then I installed a regular RJ45 connector (also eliminating the SL router in the process).
Very nice, if I have issues with the C3 , I'll remove it and do what you did, I'm hoping not as I don't have access to through bolt and I don't trust self tapping in this application.
Installing one right now on the Lazzara 110 I run. On the skylounge roof, away from the maze of antenna and stuff. I recycled an old antenna mount which had a larger fitting. Wrapped a couple of layers of gorilla tape around the Starlink tube to make up for the size difference and drilled a hole thru with a bolt to secure it. The oddly shaped connector require a large hole so we filled the hole with epoxy with a short piece of plastic conduit for the wire filled with sealant. Need to get a clamshell
Did you through bolt ? I'm concerned about windage with just a 1inch self tapping screw, I suppose you could put some 5200 under it,
I m pretty good at n…. sorry… jury rigging. There are no marine mounts for Starlink so you hav two improvise!
Not sure if I should start a new topic or not, but since it involve Starlink v.2 satellites figure I could just stick it here. SpaceX and T-Mobile is going to bring satellite based cellphone roaming on Starlink v.2 satellites. Event starts at around 6 min mark of the video Fairly low bandwidth, only 2 Mb per Starlink "celltower", but will work with existing phones and TMobile is going to include it in many of their existing packages .
For those that don't want to watch the whole video https://www.reuters.com/business/me...lan-boost-cellular-coverage-space-2022-08-26/ Really wish AST Spacemobile would give more information about what their service levels/bandwidth will be, even their down scaled test satellites should be much bigger than the Starlinks V.2 with T-Mobil antenna added.
You might try this to tighten up your install. Just used it on mine and came out great https://www.etsy.com/listing/1281029681/
Nice find, someone is thinking. Etsy, looks like I need to keep that site in mind more than in the past. Thanks. No starlink for me yet but when and if I do... Is that just holding the starlink pole with one set screw or does the pole just sit in there?
Royal Caribbean Group is going all in with Starlink: https://cruiseradio.net/royal-caribbean-celebrity-cruises-spacex-starlink-internet/
Anyone know how tolerant they are of enabling/disabling service during periods of not using it? I'm not using mine right now - wifi at marina is currently good. But I'm afraid if i stop service, i'll go to the back of the queue and not be able to get it turned back on again.
There's no queue. Just min 30 days plus timing of where you are in current billing cycle. This only applies to the RV account