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Bertram 42 Detroit 6v-92TA Repower with Yanmar or Cummins

Discussion in 'Bertram Yacht' started by etang789, Jul 5, 2017.

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  1. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    QSC; Less weight, more torque, not killing the QSB to make HP & torque.
    I thing the OPs ship should come out of the water and move/handle nicley.

    Yes, the QSC cost more, the total price of re-powering including labor, controls, exhaust, hull mods & misc; the QSC upcharge is small.
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    S60, Volvo 2Litre?

    Yes to the cockpit extension, Jack shafts back to the ZF or ISP pods under the new deck.
    I like my ER.
  3. PacBlue

    PacBlue Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2009
    Dana Point, Ca
    Since we are talking lottery dream, no jackshafts, put the engines/pods under the deck of your fantasy cockpit extension and the engine room becomes a generator room with workshop, a mechanical guys dream. Add some fuel tank age. Lift up watertight cockpit hatch for stand-up access to engines. I would really like to see this done on a 58 Bert or Hatt MY one day. :)
  4. etang789

    etang789 Member

    Jul 5, 2017
    Hong Kong
    Thanks for the graph analysis! I really want the Cummins QSC but after balancing all cost, workmanship issue, and government certification hassle seems like Cummins QSB is a much simpler choice.

    The cost difference is minimal thats understood but the cost saving I can spend on the new genset thats a plus! Workmanship in Hong Kong is a high risk, I dont trust them at all so finding a slightly smaller engine is a bonus. If I go with QSC 493hp I will need boat surveyor to do the whole process will cost me time and money.

    Cummins 6.7 473hp, 3300/1150 = 2.87 gear ratio. I want to use ZF because its cheaper but the gear ratio isnt as close to as Twin Disc
    1. Down Angle
      1. 2.88 ( TD MG-5075 A )
      2. 2.88 ( TD MG-5082 A )
    2. Vertical Offset
      1. 2.88 ( TD MG-5082 SC )
    The new generator I will be most likely using is Whisper Power M-SQ 12 MARINE ,
    see if you guys have any comments on this?
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2017
  5. PacBlue

    PacBlue Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2009
    Dana Point, Ca
    Well understood, every decision has trade-offs and budgets to realize. You will gain an amazing amount of space in the engine room and the new QSBs will be much easier to service and access. The weight loss will be a great benefit, but you will have to manage the trim of the vessel. You may have to move batteries aft as well as the generator if space allows. You want the boat to trim about 2 - 3 inches down in the stern (or up in the bow, depending on how you are looking at it) with fuel fuel/water, no waste and all equipment/gear onboard. You can manage your trim underway with trim tabs, that is what they are designed for. By the way, I would recommend the dual ram types if they are not already on your boat. Ultimately, all this is necessary as you will eventually trim down by the bow as your burn the fuel in your aft fuel tank and you can back off on your trim tabs.

    I can not stress how much better off you will be to get the boat to float right away, you do not want a deep-vee planning hull to trim bow down in the condition I mentioned above.
  6. etang789

    etang789 Member

    Jul 5, 2017
    Hong Kong
    Yea the shipyard mentioned this today. The trim tab we have now hasn't been working for the last 20years, needs new one for sure. The old ones are a bit too small, needs bigger ones and if so needs to also extend the swim platform as well. Will see how much they charge for this labor.

    Any particular trim tab brands you would recommend?
  7. PacBlue

    PacBlue Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2009
    Dana Point, Ca
    I have had success with either one of them, but mostly Bennett. I would not recommend the Vertical Interceptor types at the moment because of all the holes you drill. I like the advanced controls that are available now as well, have not had issues with hydraulic tabs.

    You should definitely have a Heavy Duty Dual Actuator set-up and it should be at least 12" - 15" long when measure aft from the transom. For a 42' boat, a 24" to 30" wide (measured athwart ship) is usually sufficient but get it sized for your application. It is nice to have a safety lanyard in place if you are an aggressive captain backing down on sportfish, this will prevent the plates from being completely ripped off in extreme cases. When installed, make sure the aft edge of the Trim Tab is at least 1/4" above (higher) the transom when measure with a straight edge, this will give you a nice range of trim and helps if you hit that target of 2" Stern Down Static Trim when measured across a straight waterline at the dock.

    What kind of cruise / top speed are you looking for?
  8. etang789

    etang789 Member

    Jul 5, 2017
    Hong Kong
    about to order the engines now

    Cummins 6.7 473hp, 3300/1150 = 2.87 gear ratio. I want to use ZF because its cheaper but the gear ratio isnt as close to as Twin Disc
    1. Down Angle 2.88 ( TD MG-5082 A )
    Any comments with the gear ratio here?
  9. PacBlue

    PacBlue Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2009
    Dana Point, Ca
    Good luck with your purchase / installation. Assuming the gear ratio is 2.55? Sometimes you have to deal will practical availability in gear ratios so I would just go with it and pay a bit more attention to the final propeller selection.

    At 3300/2.55 = 1294 shaft rpms, you will be running higher tip speeds. This can be handled by the right propeller selection, factoring, Blade Area Ratios, Number of blades, etc. Just have your propeller supplier run the numbers for a cavitation check prior to specifying the propeller brand and style. It will also be important to keep the Propeller Tip Clearance from the Bottom of the Hull in the region of 10 - 15% of the Propeller Diameter. What propeller are you running now - make/model/diameter/pitch?
  10. etang789

    etang789 Member

    Jul 5, 2017
    Hong Kong
    I have no idea which propeller I have now, they should be the same one that came with the boat from factory since I don't recall that we have changed them. My plan is to recondition the current ones and seatrail and adjust aka buying new ones after. Since the boat weight distribution will change as well as extending the trim tabs will change everything.

    One last question. Should I get down angle or vertical offset gearbox? Too bad there isnt a chance for mock up before ordering. Just really eyeballing with rough measurements. I know its not ideal but thats Hong Kong.
  11. PacBlue

    PacBlue Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2009
    Dana Point, Ca
    Down Angle / vertical offset is a function of the engine installation angle and your stringer system.

    Using the existing shaftline set-up, you have to mentally picture that you are going to match the Propeller Shaft Coupling Face with the Gearbox Output Flange Face. In doing so, you have limitations on the installed engine angle as well as clearance from the top of the engine and the bottom of the gearbox / engine oil pan. You need to consult the Cummins dealer for their Engine Angle limitations before you can accomplish this. You also need to be aware of how your engine mount brackets and resilient engine mounts fit into the overall system and current stringers. You may have to add metal platforms/towers to the existing stringers or cut them down and build up the appropriate supporting structure for your selected engine/gearbox hanger locations. I personally could not imagine going forward without a basic physical or CAD mock-up to ensure a practical fit.

    The other item to be aware of is the exhaust outlet. You want to have enough space available to have a nice Exhaust Outlet Elbow that has the appropriate drop angle to tie into your existing outboard exhaust run.
  12. PacBlue

    PacBlue Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2009
    Dana Point, Ca
    Your Bertram modified - vee probably has a shaft angle of 10 - 15 degrees. So you will need a down angle gearbox to get the engine to sit closer to engine spec. The down angles are typically around 7 degrees, so you would be sitting around 3 degrees to a max of 8 degrees (assumption only) and you would need to check this to see what the engine spec is for at rest angles.

    So you will need a gear with a down angle regardless if it has a vertical offset or not. A Vertical Offset may be necessary to gain clearance for the bottom of the gearbox to the hull and you will still need some access to the gearbox oil drain nut. Would need pictures to get a better idea.
  13. PacBlue

    PacBlue Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2009
    Dana Point, Ca
    Any updates or pictures from the OP?
  14. Bahma

    Bahma Member

    Apr 10, 2013
    Man o War Cay Abaco Bahamas
    My 42ft flush deck Bertram cruiser has 500 hours with Yanmar 6LYA 490 hp engines, these were fitted by the P O.

    Installation is perfect, zero oil drips....bilge clean as a whistle.

    Boat runs like a train

    I wouldn't hesitate to go with the Yanmars.

  15. etang789

    etang789 Member

    Jul 5, 2017
    Hong Kong
    Here some update! And also Thanks to everyone's previous input.

    I have just had a government authorized surveyor completed the "Survey for Feasibility on Propulsion Engines Alteration of Vessel" So I can order the engines and do the actual modification work. I can show some pics as soon as the work starts.
  16. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA
    I guess this is probably too late to be useful... but FWIW I'd guess that 42 Bertram weighs in the neighborhood of 10K lbs more than our 28K-lbs 42, not counting engine/gear weights. ??

    We have twin 6CTA8.3s, 450-hp version, and I don't think I'd want any less horsepower. Add 10K lbs... even more so.

  17. etang789

    etang789 Member

    Jul 5, 2017
    Hong Kong
    We are going with these items now

    Cummins 8.3 493hp

    ( ZF 286 A 2.20 ) or ( ZF 325-1 A 2.24)

    Aquamet 17 2.0"

    Whisper Power M-SQ 12
  18. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA
    Nice! Good luck with the work!

  19. PacBlue

    PacBlue Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2009
    Dana Point, Ca
    AQ 17 is generally used for applications like workboats or commercial craft that are used on a daily basis. They are susceptible to Crevice Corrosion when left unused for large periods of time, like you would expect for a recreational craft. I have never used AQ 17 for a yacht application because of this.

    A 2" diameter AQ 17 or AQ 22 shaft falls below the recommended safety factor of 5.o ( calculated 4.3 @ 70,000 psi Torsional Strength). The calculations for a 5.0 Safety Factor show you would need a minimum 2.100" diameter shaft which pushes you to a 2-1/4" AQ 22 High Strength, because standard AQ 22 is only 63,000 psi Torsional Strength at sizes over 2" diameter while AQ 22 HS is 70,000 psi. I would have to recommend a 2-1/4" Diameter AQ 22 HS shaft if this was my installation.
  20. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Get the best shafts you can get which is AQ22HS. Dont take chances...

    For trim tabs Bennett recommends 1” per foot of LOA (12” width). I went with 54” on my 53 Hatteras when I repowered with 430 C series and it really made a big difference.