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Achilles Air Floor 360E and Lehr 15 hp

Discussion in 'Tenders & Dinghies' started by mikewheels, Jan 3, 2015.

  1. mikewheels

    mikewheels New Member

    Feb 10, 2012
    North West Palm area
    Its time to get a dinghy and since I do not have a Davit, I'm thinking of the above set up. I have a swim platform and will get some Hurley Dinghy brackets that will allow me to pull and pivot the dinghy on the platform for storage, while under way.
    Does anyone have experience with this type size of air floor dinghy, 108 pounds, with a 15 hp motor? I'm wondering what kind of speeds it will go with 2 people?
    Also, anyone with experience with the Lehr engine is welcome. I'm leaning this way because the dingy and motor will sit for months then usage for a week or so then more sitting around. I have read the sitting around leads to fuel issues with gas engines.
  2. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    Air Deck dinghies are great for scooting ashore and some gunkholing.

    Gas outboards really take very little care, so simple. Just basic maintenance is needed and a good service at the end of the season.

    Propane outboards seem very expensive, cumbersome and hard to refuel outside of a marina. Is it really worth the hassle versus a $100 service once a year and bottle of Quickstor Fuel Stabilizer?
  3. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC
    A dockmate had the hurley davits that dipped into the water. He had a similar set up as your intended dink. It took 2 people, a winch and a bucket of perspiration to reload his dinghy - and that was at the dock. Whatever davit you select, be sure to get a live demo to test your expectations. Also, unlike RIBs, the soft bottom will collect rain water in bottom "pockets" if not drained properly. I keep an 11 footer up on my foredeck, upside down, and a 3 hp in my cockpit box. Perfect for my wife, me and our dog as we putter around the anchorage at cocktail time... Good luck on your venture.
  4. mikewheels

    mikewheels New Member

    Feb 10, 2012
    North West Palm area
    In regards to the outboards on dinghy's, I hear far too many people working on them in our marina. They seem to be a constant source of trouble. Here in Florida, we do not have a season, the motor sits waiting to be used year around. From what I have read, it seems gasoline on standard engines, laying in the fuel lines and carburetor is a major source of small engine issues. Propane eliminates those issues. That is why I'm leaning towards propane, less problems due to my infrequent use of the dinghy.
    The top side of my swim platform is only about 5 inches from the water, so the Hurley arms will have a pretty shallow angle to pull it up. Did you notice the distance from the top of his platform to the water? I see some that are a foot or more and that can be an issue due to the steep angle. I'm hoping if it does take two people, we can hopefully at least have a drink in our spare hand. I'm hoping someone writes in with a good experience with the Hurley arms.