I'm experiencing slow page loads this afternoon. Maybe because I'm jacked up on NyQuil, but is anyone else having the same problem? Time is 6:00 PM EST.
Yes I was experiencing slow page loads earlier in the afternoon...but it seems okay now. It didn't seem to be just us either experiencing the sluggish transmission.
I'm gonna take another hit of NyQuil and run a diagnostic overnight. I'll be away for most of tomorrow on a sea trial. Back in the saddle tomorrow night. If anyone experiences slow page loads, post it here and I'll work on it when I return. The best rest you ever got with a cold medicine... here I come!
Good points Jasen. Many users don't realize there's a big difference in server processing between the two requests. To the uninitiated, 'search' requests are processor intensive and will almost always take longer than a simple page refresh of opening a new page. Thanks for the feedback everyone...
All fine here in the UK. It is probably totally unrelated but, there has been a lot of interference with transmitted communications during the past few days, as a result of the radiation fall-out from the huge solar flare last weekend. Hope you feel better soon Carl. The ideal remedy is the three B's, 'brandy, bed and a blonde'. And if you are feeling really bad, you need the three Double B's. Double brandy, double bed and double...'
Checking back in. Normal speeds. Static and search. Me thinks The Planet may have had some congestion on a router on their end. (I've got a server in there as well, but didn't notice anything abnormal)
Solar? We have had some extra solar activity (no extra charge) lately. Maybe your server got some rads when nobody was looking? ,rc