Very good! Neil, i'm impressed....St Maarten does attract the big names in the industry....and Welcome to the Forums...since you are new and we are glad to have you on board! Hope you enjoy the stay here on the best yacht forum you can find.
Hey Neil;; great shots,, thought I was the only one posting from SXM. I've been going to SXM twice a year since the early 90's we've met once or twice through my crazy cousin Ricky from Canada,, don't hold it against me you can't pick your releatives!!!! Not sure if you've seen my shots but a quick search under PSOD should bring them up. FYI the PSOD comes from years ago at one of your other past establishments by the airport. It stands for the Patti (my wife) School of Drinking. I believe there are few photos on their site. Anyhow only only 8 Weeks and we will be back.