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Yacht Forum lack of response on Cabo Yachts

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by CSkipR, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. CSkipR

    CSkipR Member

    Aug 16, 2008
    New Smyrna Beach, Fl
    Its interesting that this website is supposedly run by professionals yet they fail to ever answer emails or replies. I have sent at least 3 emails asking the yachtforum person to please consider adding Cabo Yachts to the Gallery or if they have a reason not to please advise. Never have received one response. That does it for me too many other good yachting and boating websites.
    I have no connection to Cabo other than owning one. :mad:
  2. Seafarer

    Seafarer Senior Member

    Sep 3, 2007
    Hudson River
  3. CSkipR

    CSkipR Member

    Aug 16, 2008
    New Smyrna Beach, Fl
    What do I need to post pictures for. I'm sure you have seen a Cabo. If not I will send you one. Thats not a Cabo forum it's just where several of us have posted questions regarding the brand. By the way I'm not making demands just stating my case.
  4. Seafarer

    Seafarer Senior Member

    Sep 3, 2007
    Hudson River
    If you don't feel the need to contribute, and don't care to see pictures, then why would you threaten to grab up your toys and storm off from the sandbox?

    That's a Cabo forum. It's a specific subforum of Sportfish Yachts, where there are multiple threads about Cabo boats. Throwing a temper tantrum and offering to depart isn't stating your case, it's making petulant demands. Please don't try to insult everyone's intelligence by claiming otherwise.

    There's no Huckins forum, though; it's listed under Vintage Yachts. Yet, instead of stamping around throwing a fit, I posted some pictures in the lone Huckins thread. There wasn't a significant amount of interest, there was no need to make an issue. We're all adults here, with diverse interests and diverse backgrounds. Despite all that, we can all remain adult and professional in our collective demeanor. I'm including you in that all, appearances notwithstanding.

    If you contribute and gin up some interest, I'd venture to guess that would create a greater likelihood of a Cabo album coming about.

    Whichever hackneyed aphorism suits your fancy, you reap what you sow or God helps those who help themselves. Go help yourself out and sow some seeds.
  5. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    Images in the gallery are submitted to by the companies that build the yachts. Many companies haven't. It's no more sinister than that.
  6. CSkipR

    CSkipR Member

    Aug 16, 2008
    New Smyrna Beach, Fl
    Okay that makes sense. First time I've heard that.
  7. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I don't know where on earth you got the idea that YF was run by professionals!

    I got one PM from you CSkipR. Nothing more. I didn't have a chance to respond because I was doing my taxes this week, followed by a sea trial yesterday. Instead, I took time-out to set up a Cabo forum based on your request, but not before you made a post titled "YachtForums discriminates against Cabo".

    Setting aside conspiracy theories, we haven't seen much in the way of Cabo discussions. If you want to get the ball rolling, then by all means, let's get busy.

    In most cases, we encourage participation. Information and enthusiasm is always welcome here. But based on your accusations, I find myself wanting to suggest "let the door hit you in the butt on the way out". ;)
