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Windows 8 anyone??

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by mwagner1, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. mwagner1

    mwagner1 Senior Member

    Sep 11, 2005
    Les Etats Unis
    Well, for better or worse, Windows 8 is out....I have had the chance to play with both laptops and desktops (new) loaded with Win 8. My impressions are more positive than I expected, as I found the new Sony Win 8 laptops (VERY sexy!!!) with touch screens to be the best usage of the Metro interface. Though minus the ubiquitous Start button you can still return to a Win 7 style UI and it is VERY easy to switch between UI's....

    On non-touch screens (laptops especially) I did not like trying to navigate Metro with the laptop's touch pad (actually, I despise all laptop touch pads).....using a USB/Bluetooth/wireless mouse on a Win 8 desktop/laptop created a quicker experience and seems MUCH better.

    It would be easy to clean up significantly the Metro UI as what the manufacturers load up is a lot of garbage....and despite what the doomsayers offer, one does NOT need to be a super geek to learn the interface. I feel that I could become quite comfortable with the Win 8 environment rather quickly. I also suspect that by summer of 2013, touch screens will be more common (and less pricey) so that Win 8 should be more appealing...I will likely upgrade the to Win 8 the same way I upgraded from Vista to Win 7...wait for SP1 to come out....And no, I could care less about Ubuntu/Linux...and I am not an Apple fan ;)

  2. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
  3. kkreicker1

    kkreicker1 Senior Member

    Nov 4, 2011
    Naples, FL or Saugatuck, MI
    See the light and buy a Mac! They run so well on any kind of power. They are faster and in the long run will last longer!
  4. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno