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Wild Salmon Stocks - Discussion Continued

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by Blackfish, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. Blackfish

    Blackfish Guest

    Hi Brian, a Double Eagle would have been my second guess! That's not surprising though because the fellow who started Double Eagle originally worked with Chuck Hourston way back when Hourston first started out. The hulls on both makes are almost identical, perfect West Coast sport boats! My boat, the Kailua, was built back in 1977. When I bought her she had the original OMC I/O with a GM 305 block, and with exception of the hull itself was pretty well "worn out"! I virtually brought her back to her original glory. I had all of the work done by Hourston back in 1994. They did everything from replacing the power (350EFI Volvo Duoprop) to refitting the cockpit with all glass sides and deck, all fabrics, electronics, plumbing, swim grid, etc. Because the original OMC cut out was larger than the new Volvo, they had to cut/plug and re-cut the transom. I was down at the factory the day that they did this work, when I walked into the yard old Chuck came up to me with a big smile on his face, he was so happy because in his words "the transom wood was as perfect as the day they originally laid it"! The Kailua is now being used for Salmon Chartering out of Sooke, and the fellow who bought her has continued to love her and keep up her grand stature (at least as grand as a 23 footer can be!).

    The problem with "one boat anchorages" is just like fishin' holes, as soon as you set your hook some turkey is gonna drop right next to you! They are out there though, you just need to use your charts and be a little adventurous. As to great moorages, there is no shortage between Halfmoon Bay and Port McNeill. Certainly the well known ones are well worth the stay, such as all of Pender Harbour, Blind Bay on Nelson Island, Princess Louisa Inlet is a place that every serious boater should visit at least once in their lives, a nights stay in Lund including libations at the Lund Hotel is a must, Prideaux Haven, Roscoe Bay, Refuge and Squirrel Coves, wow I could go on and on and barely scratch the surface!

    Best regards, Brian.

    Brian Shillito
    West Vancouver.

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  2. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    All this talk about fish and no photos
    Here's a Sooke special ...

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  3. scott49

    scott49 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Nice Fish
    Never heard of Sooke, till recently We move are Burger there while waiting for a weather window to take it south to sell.
  4. Brian

    Brian Senior Member

    Nov 14, 2005
    Halfmoon Bay, B.C. Canada
    Sooke is on the southern end of Vancouver Island for those of you from "away".

    Blackfish, that sure is a nice Hourston. Sounds like you had everything done on it, making it a '94 boat. 'Wonder why they originally installed OMC...good choice in swapping for Volvo Penta!
    We're the third owners of our boat. It was originally built for the Vancouver Police chief Fisk. He ordered it specially & apparently visited the shop daily during it's build. It was sort of a prototype of the 20'+ boats afterwards in that it had twin tanks (port & starboard) plus the glazing was raised an extra 8" to allow for 6' headroom down the center of the boat. It also has a locking Alaska bulkhead with head & v-berth. Power is a 3.8l GM/Volvo Penta V-6 with a 280 leg which is plenty for us for going 30mph (any faster & I get compaints):(
    I cannot seem to find much history on Double Eagle from their site.

    Hey OutMyWindow, holy &$#%, nice fish, did you land this?

    Speaking of fish, have you all heard of Alexandra Morton?...
    She's urging our provincial government to apply our Fisheries Act to in water salmon fish farms on our coast. Since we're having a provincial election coming up, I think we should put some pressure on our politicians to make this happen.
    Here's some more reading on the topic...
    Lets ensure that our several species of wild Pacific Salmon survive so we can land a few whoppers like the one above!!:)

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  5. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Nope, that one is my friends. This is mine...

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  6. Brian

    Brian Senior Member

    Nov 14, 2005
    Halfmoon Bay, B.C. Canada
    Wow, those are monsters!!
    Must have been a fun day.
  7. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    I used to enjoy it, but not anymore.
    That type of fishing is too industrial for me now, keep a couple of steaks and can the rest.
    These days I prefer a canoe on a still quiet lake using light tackle, picking a fight with a rainbow or a small-mouth.
  8. Blackfish

    Blackfish Guest

    Hi Brian. With all due respect, the information posted in the links you have provided has been refuted by recent government scientific reports. I urge anyone who really cares about the long term viability of the Pacific Salmon stocks to look past these "Chicken Littles" and consider what the REAL scientists are saying"The same diseases that can affect farmed salmon are also found in wild salmon stocks. In most instances these diseases are managed on farms by private fish health professionals and pose a low risk to wild stocks". Alexandra Morton is not a scientist, she is an environmental activist.

    Best regards, Brian.

    Brian Shillito
    West Vancouver, B.C.
  9. Blackfish

    Blackfish Guest

    OMW, sorry to get political with your otherwise great thread however the comments made by Brian in Halfmoon Bay struck a nerve with me, and I am compelled to respond. I have written Carl and suggested that we move this part of the thread to a new one, or if Brian agrees we can delete them completely.

    Best regards, Brian.
  10. Codger

    Codger YF Wisdom Dept.

    May 29, 2005
    Western Canada
    Please don't delete. Perhaps in another thread. Thought provoking information that I, for one, was not even aware of.
  11. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    No question that “sea-lice” is a hot issue here on the west coast, as are commercial Salmon Farms.
    Personally I don’t have an opinion on the subject, if you guys want to discuss it, fill your boots, just leave your weapons at the door.

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  12. Brian

    Brian Senior Member

    Nov 14, 2005
    Halfmoon Bay, B.C. Canada
    Battle of the Brians! Boy, I really hit a nerve.:eek:
    "...refuted by government scientific reports"...I'm going to read up on that link Brian, but do you always trust the government?
    "...look past these "Chicken Littles"...So David Suzuki is not credible?
    Yes, sea lice do occur on wild salmon stocks but not in the concentrated amounts seen on farmed Atlantics. As the salmon fry come out of the spawning streams and past these pens, they get covered in lice, way more that natural.
    We are the cancer on this earth messing up with natures balance.
    So what is so offending in what I write to contemplate deleting my comments completely? What's up Brian?
    If this should be moved. so be it. Admittedly this topic has a weak yacht connection but if our wild Salmon stocks disappear, fewer sportfishermen will come here with their yachts.
    Curious as to why Alaska has banned fish farms, and why 12,000 others have signed Alaxandra's petition to the BC government (I never referred to Alexandra as a scientist).
    These are just my comments.
  13. Blackfish

    Blackfish Guest

    Brian, the reason I suggested moving this thread is simply out of respect for the thread itself, this is a great place to visit and I did not wish to be responsible for casting a dark cloud over it. My suggestion that it be deleted is again based on my perception that this is a pretty non-confrontational forum, therefore if you by chance concurred that this topic need not bring down the upbeat nature, then I say toast it.

    As to salmon farms and aquaculture in general, I support it in principal. I believe that the commercial salmon fishing industry should be shut down completely and that any harvest should be done by weirs only after the runs have been allowed to replenish their numbers to the point of sustainability. I do not accept that aquaculture is a threat to the wild stocks. This has been demonstrated by the most recent findings as per my link.

    The fact is that these days more and more people want to eat salmon. Without aquaculture guess where these fish are going to come from.

    Brian, you have made a few comments which appear to be fishing for confrontation. I will not be baited.;)

    Best regards, Brian.
  14. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida

    The discussion of Salmon fishing has been split from the Coal Harbor Marina thread. The new thread title is "Wild Salmon Stocks - Discussion Continued", located in the YF Yacht Club.

    Thanks for the continuing education...
  15. Brian

    Brian Senior Member

    Nov 14, 2005
    Halfmoon Bay, B.C. Canada
    I also do not want to create a downbeat thread here.
    I haven't had a chance to read from your link but I will (getting the boat ready to launch:) ).
    I also think the pens could be moved on land with less interference to wild stocks. Interesting that in Sechelt, Target Marine is faming sturgeon in land based pens.
  16. Codger

    Codger YF Wisdom Dept.

    May 29, 2005
    Western Canada
    Old Man's overview

    Just a thought on this subject. There is one thing that we all have in common here at Yachtforums and that is an enjoyment of being on the water.
    AMG's Anemone just wouldn't look right parked in Sedona Arizona, beautiful place that it is.
    Some of us have done damage to the sea, either through ignorance or thoughtlessness, in the past. In some cases the damage was done simply because the technology was not available at the time to avoid doing the damage.
    When something as close and personal as the sea is to many of us there is an emotional component in any discussion. But, if we can keep the goal of doing no further damage at the forefront, then perhaps we can learn from each other and do something towards achieving that goal.

    Suzuki, love him or hate him, one can't deny that he does bring up questions that need to be asked.
    We're well aware of what the indiscriminate dispensing of antibiotics has done to the human population and some of the diseases that have benefited, to our detriment, from that practice.
    Thanks for those links.
  17. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    You are probably right...;)

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  18. Blackfish

    Blackfish Guest

    Hi Brian, the use of land based pens has been around for many years and in theory has some benefits not only for the environment but also the stock as there is no issue with contamination coming in from the wild salmon (talk about ironic eh!). The most inhibiting factor is the cost of pumping millions of litres of sea water either up from the shore or through contained filtration systems. The cost of the energy to do so usually renders the product uncompetitive.

    Best regards, Brian.
  19. Blackfish

    Blackfish Guest

    Hi Codger, no question we are all concerned about the "health" of our marine ecosystems. For the most part I think that this comes down to putting some of these issues into perspective. Dr. Suziki has a reputation for taking a potential and turning it into an apocalypse! The use of antibiotics at salmon farms is being made out to be a regular event. This is just not the fact. The fact is that antibiotics are extremely expensive to administer to a commercial operation, as a result this only occurs when absolutely necessary. Many operations go for years without the need to do so. The anti-fishfarming groups love to throw that "wild salmon don't do drugs" line out there as it strikes fear into the hearts of the masses. I should also note that the research done on Suzuli's site were all done prior to the studies done recently, where it has been proven that within two years of leaving a site the environment shows no remaining residue of any contaminants.

    Best Regards, Brian.

    Brian Shillito
    West Vancouver, B.C.
  20. Codger

    Codger YF Wisdom Dept.

    May 29, 2005
    Western Canada
    Thanks Blackfish.
    That's what I meant about sharing information. Some of you have spent more time looking at this subject than others so it falls on you to help out.

    If you want to know how to get people to stop using 10 gallon cans of Varsol hooked up to a compressed air gun to clean the stuff off a rig I can fill you in on that. Fish farming, I know nothing about....

    AMG. Be forewarned. I'm going to start collecting jokes so that I'll have one ready when we meet and you have a mouthful of coffee. Ah caffeinated sinuses, a whole new way to wake up.:D