We have three heads on our yacht - 65 ft ketch - doing major repair work - what would your recommendation be for replacing the existing Raritan manual heads? David
Hi, I agree with that. Here is a Headmate entry level one one which gets a good review online. http://www.thetford.com/HOME/Produc...cePlusRV/TecmaHeadmate/tabid/103/Default.aspx Here is the largest and most powerful one http://www.thetford.com/HOME/Produc...cePlusRV/TecmaHeadmate/tabid/103/Default.aspx
Thing I always liked about the Willy Crit Captains head was the long handle so you don't have to stoop over to pump it.
thanks very much for the help re wilcox crittenden! appreciate the help - given how strong the WC is based on yours and the references, one of the heads really needs work. given it is the most "public" one on the boat, i will replace that one with the WC to see how it works. we intend to do extensive blue water cruising, so i am worried about electric heads, and want something strong and can fix at sea. hope that makes sense. david
Hi, The second one I linked to doesn't even need to be pumped by hand it has a foot pedal to macerate the heaviest load with ease
Considering you have 3 heads onboard, you may give thought to replacing the "public" head with a Vaccuflush (I haven't really had much problem with them) for people who are unfamiliar with manual heads and keep the other 2 manual....
also look at the electric Tecma heads. we never had any problems, even with kids throwing all kind of stuff at them. very easy to service, too.