I have seen a lot discussions about nav devices, ship design etc... In added pictures I found old looking bridges in newest yachts. All devices are stored in wooden boxes an it looks like 20 years ago A bridge is a working place, what about ergonomics etc? How should look a good designd bridge?? As starting point I will give you this link http://www.probridge.de (English and German) What's your favorite bridge? Bring it with picture please.
A bridge should be designed to fit the needs of the captain, and the taste and budget of the owner (with the captain's consultation). That's what makes the world go round and keeps companies (and salespersons) in business. Save us from uniformity.
Here's the YF Wheelhouse Round-Up... http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/special-features/3551-wheelhouse-round-up.html
And its companion discussion - http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/general-yachting-discussion/3555-wheelhouse-round-up-discussion.html Kelly