Anybody replace wet turbos (6v92 550hp) in a 46 Post? What problems did you have, bolts or studs breaking anything like that? Thanks
Can't give you direct experience with replacing these. I replaced each of mine which are dry on 671's. But if you are still trying to source these, I had good luck with the remans and core returns from here: For your motor:
I do thank you for the links to the parts supplier. Will start removal in Nov. I won't use ddc reliabult to many bad storys. But would like to hear from any one who's removed the wet turbos from these engines. Thanks again, jerry
My mechanic replaced a wet turbo on one of my 6v92's. He used a Reliabilt I believe, didn't have a problem removing the old one.
AllanS, Glad to here no problems with reliabilt. What made you replace the turbo? I've got a low airbox pressure. Jerry
Turbo I couldn't get that engine to spin up past 1500RPM. It took a while to diagnose because there wasn't any other symptom - no black smoke, etc. It apparently ingested part of itself and destroyed the exhaust side.
Jerry, I have been trying to post a message to you but cannot get their server to work. Do you have an external email address? Thanks Davidoc 46225.
Hi Dave, Thanks for asking. I used Unlimited Turbos What a great job and fast turn around. Triple A company. Just waiting for the SS elbows should be ready in two weeks. Not in much of hurry now winter is coming and boat is out of the water. Jerry