e-bay is your friend. Start a search and have it e-mail you when something comes available. I find most of my customers old AP parts here.
Already looked there. And I'm still looking there as well as else where. Just covering as many bases as possible. No joy as yet.
Keep those searches up on e-bay. Never had a bad purchase from the UK or Canada. I use the same handle on e-bay. If I start bidding on something you need, let me know and I'll stop bidding. ,rc
I have a complete AP300 system I removed a few years ago. Been sitting in storage for two years. Worked fine when I removed it. I only changed as I upgraded to the new Simrad so it would interface with my Simrad system. If memory serves a few of the buttons are a bit worn and hard to read. Otherwise in good shape. I was going to throw it away so its yours for the cost of shipping if you want it.