Went down to the Hudson a couple of days ago and it was frozen all the way across to Tarrytown. There was a sailboat frozen in on its mooring. It looked so tranquil, but it really got me thinking about spring and splashing the boat
The volcanoes and gators in Florida would have fried and ate that boat by now. Stay tranquil, Stay safe, Stay up north.... I was just out on my 17 Mako this afternoon dodging lava flows and monster gator serpents. A few derelict and abandoned boats as pictured also.
This is Ono Island, Orange Beach, AL where they got 10" of snow! They haven't had any accumulation over and inch since 1973! Such hazards in the weather. Stay up north.
This is driving in the Lake Placid area yesterday..... would love to see some palm trees. check out the temperature
Thanks for the reminder Mr. Lunderic, I grew up in icy Norway then screwed up in my early twenties and emigrated to Alaska. Thanks again for showing me the above picture, I shall never ever migrate back to any Latitude North of 29’29,87. Give it all back to the Eskimo’s.