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Virtuel Ocean - ocean racing tactical sim

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by Kevin, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    Just thought I'd share my favourite online distraction with everyone here. If you're a fan of ocean racing sailing yachts and are as fascinated as I am with the offshore sailing tactics, weather reading, etc give this a try:

    Océan Virtuel

    Basically you "sail" a virtual boat that's programmed with the speed polars of the real-life ocean racers it represents. Open trimarans, IMOCA 60s, Figaros, and Mini 650s are represented in different events. The weather of most regattas is based on actual, current wind forecasts updated daily to represent as accurately as possible the real world conditions. Wind forecasts are programmed several days out to enable players to best plan their routes.

    You have to program a course and set a sail appropriate to the wind-speed and direction and the computer calculates how far along that course you would sail each hour, on the hour.

    Océan Virtuel is my once-per-hour diversion that breaks up the day at my desk... I stop what I'm doing for a few minutes to plot a course. (And yes, the races run 24/7 and it is addictive, so at times I've set an alarm to wake up in the middle of the night to change course, check winds, etc... but hey, I'm just a little competitive!)

    I love the sport of ocean racing, particularly short-handed and solo, but until comes through with the cash to finance a Mini 650 campaign for me virtual sailing is about as close as I'll get to it. :D