Looking for some input on what would normally be the parameters expected on a yacht in the 140 (42m) range. A contract we are currently in the final stages of has asked for the following parameters and we are having little to no luck in finding what an acceptable level is. The ideal answer would be shown as a range from excellent to good to bad, so that we can target realistically what to insert in the contract. The contract is stating: Maximum velocity of 1,5mm/sec RMS for frequencies above 5Hz or a peak acceleration of 16mm/secĀ² for frequencies below 5Hz, Thanks in advance for the help.
In our case we shall hire DNV to measure vibrations and cerify that they are according to Classification standards
Hi, Comship- Do you know what the Classification Society limits are for Vibration? If they come back and say Ok we found that you have a reading of 3mm/sec RMS for Frequencies above 5 Hz, and you feel a lot of vibration but this is within their standards how will you come back at the yard to say hey my boat vibrates a lot? I want something done about it.
Comship We are building to ABS and unfortuneatly where we at hitting a snag is the lawyers are pushing for language one way and ABS guidelines use different parameters. We tried to change language but it keeps coming back to us. YA gotta love Lawyers. Neil Thanks a bunch for that info you emailed me, I have sent an email off to that contact Thanks
Hi, Hawk- I PM'd you the email addy of a guy I use a lot. He should be able to answer all your questions.