If you have a USCG Documented Vessel be aware the annual renewal cost is $26. If you are being asked to pay more than $26 you are not on the Coast Guard Documentation website. Prices of $50 to $100 are being charged by so called "Independent Service Providers" to submit your renewal. They will approach you via a letter by from the US Mail at the time of your annual renewal to sell you their service. Beware and don't overpay! Here is the REAL pay.gov site to renew: https://www.pay.gov/public/form/start/1175233 It's easy and quick! Thanks Norm Miller Quiet Company Great Harbour GH47
Yawn. I have zero sympathy for people who fall for such scams. If one doesn't know what it costs to renew a boat documentation and can't see the difference between an official USCG letter and some scammer .. well... imagine what else they don't know !! Maybe that explains what we witness on the water.
Same here for a registration with the State of Delaware: Non-official site: http://www.delreg.com Official site: http://www.dnrec.delaware.gov
I renewed my documentation at the real site but when I googled it the first two sites that came up were bogus sites. They looked real but the "real story" became clear when they wanted over $75 for the documentation. I bet there are bazillions of boaters who fall for it.
We get a reminder notice every year. On this notice are the official phone numbers and web sites to contact. Never had to search for a contact site. SSDY