That is wild stuff! If you highlight and copy the translation result, what you get is both languages. Here is English-to-Italian: Kelly Cook
For decades, readers have been limited to regional medias in their native tongue. With the translation program, everyone with an interest in yachts can benefit from YF's collective knowledge. I've been working on this for nearly a year and it's not perfect, but the majority of text converts legibly. Certainly enough to make our reviews and discussions valuable in 41 different languages...! Currently, YF is generating a little over 30 million hits a month, with just under 200,000 readers. I expect these numbers will rise with propagation.
Hi, Excellent work Carl. I hope it doesn't result in a proliferation of Non English posting on the forums.
Carl, I'm spreading the word by sending your link to my new contacts in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. I'll let you know how well it translates.