I'm going tommorrow, Sunday; anyone need anything? Anyone else going?
Greetings, Had been planning to go opening day but "honey-do" jobs canned THAT plan. I expect next Sat. or Sun. will do. How did you find the show? I recall attending years ago where the venue was spread over several buildings but most recently, it appears to have shrunken to a mere ghost of it's former self. I'm not terribly impressed with Lake Wow or The Lake as it's now called, other than the engineering of said body of water. What about that wierd blue colour? Would appreciate your comments. Peter.
The show is definitely smaller than last year and the years before. I walked through the Lake area where they were demonstrating lake boarding, that took me two minutes. I was dissappointed because I remember one year where they had docks and boats to board and inspect on the 'Lake'; not sure whether other days are setup like that but it wasn't on Sunday. The only 'yachts' that were truley represented were SeaRay, Bayliner-Medeiros, Sabre & Tiara. There were alot of accessories vendors, educational materials, marinas and insurance companies represented. I used my time meeting or re-establishing myself with brokers informing them of what I am looking for in the pre-owned 42' to 50' range trawlers & CPMY's. A series of presentations are scheduled through-out the week and I am going back to sit in on a couple entitled: "The Great Loop" & "The ICW - heading South from the Great Lakes" (these two seminars ends Tuesday). $12 parking & $15 entry fees plus $7.45 for a beer & $13.95 for perch & chips.
Thanks SF. Info is much appreciated. Hmm...$7.45 for a beer? You may or may not remember when a two-four cost $5. Peter.