Hi. I am looking for an entry level cruising yacht. I would be grateful for: 1. views on whether to buy a pre-built yacht, or attempt to build one from a kit. I live in Sydney, Australia and have an interest in wood working. I am capable of fitting out a yacht but know nothing about where to locate masts, sails, cleats, etc; 2. opinions as to the best type of yacht for my needs (doesn't have to be fast but it should be as safe and comfortable as possible); 3. any views as to who is best to buy yacht kits from. Thanks very much. Would appreciate any tips. Andrew
First Boat? Andrew, I think to give you an answer we need more information. Is this your first boat? Sail or Power? Projected use: ie length of time cruising, cruising area, expectations, requirements, etc... My first thought would be to get a used boat first and get some experence, then make a list of things you like and dislike. With this information you can look for another boat that better suits your needs. Building a custom boat takes time and experence. I would not recommend you building your first boat yourself for the reasons that you mentioned, "not knowing". Also take advantage of other peoples boats so you can get a feel of what works for you.
Diesel Duck An interesting vessel, recently viewed at the Solomons Island (Maryland) Trawlerfest www.dieselducks.com Marine engineering - www.dieselduck.ca (this website is for 'marine engineers' - not specific to Diesel Duck) You either the Diesel Duck or hate it
If you're considering building (a Diesel Duck or another other type of vessel) check out this guy's work in progress. Very interesting. http://homepage.mac.com/wendellgallagher/Helge/the_building_of_helge.htm
CanuckBoater the builer of that boat is an amazing craftsman. I wish I had the time and ability to do something like that. nas