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The Bahamas Moorings fiasco

Discussion in 'Marinas & Waypoints' started by Pascal, Feb 25, 2025.

  1. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Couple of weeks ago, we noticed work boats installing moorings around Staniel cay. A little research online revealed a company has secured a contract to lease over 4000 acres of bottom to install moorings all over the Exumas , outside the park boundaries. Pretty much every anchorage from highborne to Lee Stocking.

    this didn’t sit well with boaters as well as locals and the uproar triggered local Bahamian media to start digging in

    short version: the lease was signed with zero transparency and reeked of corruption as the husband of a close advisor to the prime minister minister was one of the company principals… it also turned out they started the work without permits… yesterday the government announced the deal was off and ordered the company to remove all installed moorings…

    that said the Bahamas Government still maintain that moorings are necessary to prevent boaters from anchoring on coral reefs and sea grass (who would do that… most anchorages are over bare sand) so the reprieve may be short lived.

    Until the installed moorings are removed, be careful approaching anchorages at since they and started with outer big boat moorings at Staniel, Samson, highborne etc.
    rocdiver, Capt Ralph and jesid123 like this.