I would greatly appreciate recommendations for a surveyor for a 65' motoryacht in the Seattle area. Of course I know brokers to ask but I come to YF because it's my trusted source and because I like hearing from owners and other marine professionals. Thanks! Judy
I used Matt Harris about a year ago. Very thorough. Works the Seattle area 360-815-0535. He came highly recommended by another surveyor I have used (Bunker Hill) yes it's his real name and I totally trust him. You can google both guys.
There are surveyors that sellers like and those that buyers like for obvious reasons. Both of these professionals can be a buyers best friend. Good Luck. I'm sure others will chime in with there personal recommendations.
A good friend recently purchased a 43 Nordhavn and used Mathers Marine Survey for the hull and Kevin Ambrose at Diesel Systems for the machinery. He is not easily impressed (mechanical and electrical engineer type) and said he would definitely use both of these guys again. http://mathersmarinesurvey.com/ http://www.dieselsystemsllc.com/ He also said that Steve D'Antonio is one of the best for prepurchase inspections/equipping guidance but wasn't sure if he did regular surveys https://stevedmarineconsulting.com/ Max
Thanks for all of the recommendations. I have used Bunker Hill previously, but he's in California. The others are familiar names, but not ones I was able to recall from recent memory. Thanks so much - I'm on it. Judy